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  • During planning for school wash project, we have identified a risk that during summer three months vacations, schools will definitely be closed, then for the said period what would be the project activities, where field staff could be engaged. This was actually a risk, then by the accepting the risk, project management team planned community hygiene sessions for the students, PTC members, and teachers in the catchment areas of the concerned schools.

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  • There are various approaches in responding to project risks but prefer accepting risk as it unfolds and vigilant. Don't panic quickly and apply irresponsible decision.

    One time my team funded a health hygienic program as planned for two weeks. All of sudden, a bridge for the participants to travel was washed away by heavy rain. This really affected the attendance but we decided to prepare handouts to those ones to who affected to read in their own times. Later when monitoring impact, we noticed both full time attendees and affected ones are doing fine about their health hygienic activities

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  • Course Facilitator

    @MohammadTahirSafi ,thanks for sharing with us how the project risk(s) that you're likely to face will affect the timing of your project's implementation.

  • Course Facilitator

    @Kosulanane ,thanks for sharing your project risk experience with us all.I now realize the importance of making adjustments in situations where risks actually happen.

  • one time i accepted a risk of carrying out a project during election time because it was less risky in the sense that the impact was not going to destroy the output in a greater way

    1 Reply
  • Course Facilitator

    @chelesanisibanda243 ,thanks for sharing your experience with project risk.I am certain that other learners will appreciate it too.

  • It is okay to accept a risk when it is insignificant or cannot be of much impact

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  • One of the risks I have ever met is a delay of legal approval, I have been forced to accept

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  • We should only accept risks with a low impact on our project. This should be arrived at after successfully conducting a proper risk assessment. However the risks accepted must be monitored closely and not ignored.

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  • i accepted the risk that during the election time they did not send the women to the workshop. it can be mitigate take the workshop break during election time.

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  • Course Facilitator

    @Sarathbabuk ,thanks for your answer.

  • Course Facilitator

    @Kasmahn ,thanks for expressing your point of view.I totally agree with you.

  • Course Facilitator

    @orhabi02 ,thanks for your point of view.

  • Course Facilitator

    @TemitopeOlaniyi ,I agree with your point of view.

  • Thanks for sharing your experience

  • One time I accepted a risk was with network fluctuations on my service offering. I accepted it because the alternative means changing the entire network system, which was not budgeted for. I tried to manage it by constantly disturbing the providers to try to fix it.

    1 Reply
  • Course Facilitator

    @Moseerilz ,your situation is relatable because network fluctuations can greatly affect the progress of any project.Thank you for sharing your experience with us.

  • A time I accepted risk was while working on a project for training which were disrupted by the local community expressing their views to the local authority due to increased insecurity. I had to accept the risks associated and adjusted the project by tow days to factor in the delay caused, and the project completed successfully.

    1 Reply
  • Course Facilitator

    @collinskiruhi ,thanks for sharing your experience with project risk.I am certain that other learners will learn a thing or two from it.

  • While planning for a training of some community teachers, the risk we ascertained was rainfall. Considering the training was scheduled to hold during the raining season, we accepted the risks but made efforts to mitigate it.

    1 Reply
  • Course Facilitator

    @uddinirenonsen ,your situation is relatable because weather conditions have the potential of hindering the project schedule.Thanks for sharing your response with us.

  • one time my team accepted a risk was sometime in year 2020, we had a project ongoing in one of the states in the country and suddenly there was a protest in the state. Policemen had killed some youths. The protest degenerated to a full blown riot so quickly. some of our warehouses were attacked and looted. The project had to be suspended. This risk wasn't expected. It was an experience we have learnt from./

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  • Risk management is the process of identifying, assessing, planning for, and monitoring potential problems

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  • Haven identified a list of things that might go wrong, you'll need to prioritize. Which risks are really worth worrying about. This step of risk mgt. is called "Risk Assessment".

  • Course Facilitator

    @DanOke ,protests cause chaos and prevent people from following through with their normal routines.Its nice too know that you learned from this experience.

  • Course Facilitator

    @DanOke ,your definition of risk management is on point.

    1 Reply
  • @alUG Thanks for the follow-ups; I've really enjoyed the experience here and I have just earned a certificate.

    However, my joy is not complete because I am yet to earn a certificate in "from data collection to data use" though I have completed the course. You previously advised me to contact the facilitator for that course but unfortunately I can't access the discussion pane because the course had been closed.

    Please is there an official channel of complaint I can use or any other way I can access my certificate? It's the only proof that i have gone through that study.


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  • I can accept the risk based on the type of risk. On electoral risk, implementing project during such time, the project manager must monitor the electoral time table to know when to implement activities because in most places in Africa, election is like war.
    On the side project funders, risk is very minimal, if the project funding is approved, delay in funding will affect the project too much.

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  • I can accept the risk based on the type of risk. On electoral risk, implementing project during such time, the project manager must monitor the electoral time table to know when to implement activities because in most places in Africa, election is like war.
    On the side project funders, risk is very minimal, if the project funding is approved, delay in funding will affect the project too much.

  • Course Facilitator

    @DanOke ,you're very welcome.I congratulate you for earning a certificate.Please wait for the course to reopen such that you can forward your complaint.

  • Course Facilitator

    @fideliskika ,thanks for sharing your thoughtful and insightful opinion about project risk with us.

  • One time I had to accept a risk was, during my evangelical project of continuing broadcasting of weekly sermons on Sunday to the public via public address systems during the nation's imposed COVID-19 pandemic total lockdown. This was done from the upstairs balcony of my residence.
    The risk to the project included possible arrest by the police and seizure of my public address equipments.
    Nonetheless, I accepted the risk and continued for weeks successfully, unhindered, because, I did not in anyway initiate a public mass gathering- people heard the sermons from the privacy of their homes; and the place of sermon broadcast was never designated as a church or place of worship from the beginning.
    In addition, I had invested a lengthy period of continuous fastings and prayer to divinely mitigate the risks to the project.

  • Identifying risks might be chalenging but it worth in order to have a realistic plan.

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  • Course Facilitator

    @Elizabethaluko ,I agree with your statement on project risk.

  • I am currently anticipating for a project that might involve me doing some field work out of the town I live in. However, the government has restrictions of movement from my region to other regions of the country, including the intended one. This is a risk I have to accept simply because I have very minimal control over being given/denied a pass to travel across because of the Covid-19 restrictions imposed by the government.

    1 Reply
  • Course Facilitator

    @bwamubeyi ,it's unfortunate that movement to the area you plan to work in is restricted.What matters the most is that you've found a way around it.

  • We can assess the risks of the project at the stage of forming the economic model of the project. If the project is commercial, then you can not spend part of the project resources, but rather reduce the profit from the project.

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  • Monitor this risk, but do not spend resources trying to avoid it

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  • In this module i have understand that , is very important to identify riks , to asses to respond and to monitor it in order to get a successful impact

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  • Course Facilitator

    @cijolig2 ,I agree with your observation.

  • Course Facilitator

    @FahmiKurniawan ,thanks for expressing your point of view on project risk.

  • Course Facilitator

    @Vladislav ,thanks for sharing your brilliant observation about project risk with us.

  • The risk that i have identified during the project implementation is a means of transportation and lack of communications devices.
    The place is hard to reach, that needs a lot of commitment and expenses to reach the services to the people who are in needs of services.

    1 Reply
  • Course Facilitator

    @chuoljohn ,thanks for sharing some of the project risks that you're facing with us.I hope you find a way around them.

  • Responding to risk requires very creative thinking, we can totally accept the risk that are of lesser consequencies and transfer the risk that are of greater consequencies may be to an insurance company

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  • Course Facilitator

    @Bisong,I totally agree with you.

  • Sometimes it is okay to accept a risk instead of spending a lot of resources trying to avoid or mitigate it as this may end up causing delays in implementation of some project activities. A time we had to accept a risk was when the Human Resources Department delayed to hire additional staff that were to support in implementing project activities. We decided to start implementing project activities at the planned time with the available staff who were later joined with the additional staff after their recruitment.

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  • Course Facilitator

    @aondubi ,thanks for sharing your experience with project risk.Like you said,project risks can't be avoided. It's always important to find a way around them.

  • Indeed presidential elections periods are very risky given that the mood and temperature of the electorates are highly unpredictable

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  • Course Facilitator

    @AmbassadorAbraham ,like you said;presidential elections greatly affect a country's political stability to the extent that sometimes,the future of upcoming projects is hard to predict.

  • A risk can be accepted when it has a less impact and is less likely to occur, however like we have learned , its not ignored rather monitored so that it doesn't turn out to be a serious risk that will cause a negative impact on the project.

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  • Course Facilitator

    @Lovence ,your statement regarding project risk is on point.I totally agree with you.

  • One time that I accepted a risk was when Covid 19 started I accepted it because it was mitigative and we reprogrammed to more innovative interventions for the same impact

  • I accepted a risk because the field materials that are crucial for my project data collection was supplied by an international charity organization working on biodiversity conservation. What happened was the suppliers of the equipments provided the materials on time, however, the one who bring those materials from US to Ethiopia failed to provide it with the required and expected time. Therefore, I have accepted the risk and waited till the materials arrived to Ethiopia.

  • The pandemic was not planned for. During this period when the COVID pandemic was at peak, it was difficult to have outreach programmes. At this point, we accepted the situation and we decided to halt the programme until it scaled down, then we put in mitigative measures to reduce the impact. You can accept risks when you have leverage on time and constrained on budget.

  • Thanks for this course and sharing the 4 categories of responding a risk..that is really usefull for me and for this formation.

  • iIagree to it because changing the entire plan in the middle might become more painful and time consuming at times rather than accepting as it comes.

  • I don't remember taking unprecedented risk so far in my professional activities and forums rather at times simple or mild risk with lesser impact would have made.

  • one time that i accepted a risk was the absence of the CEO during fundraising ceremony due to sickness , he supposed to make the opining speech , i accepted it because the i only knew before couple of hours of the starting

  • Bt identifying risks we intentionally monitor them and ensure effective solutions are applied on time

  • One time that I accepted a risk was to take admission in Madras School of Social Work in month of September 2019 during the Covid 19 Pandemic. I know It was risky to get admission because as a social work student, my education is mostly based on pratical knowldge rather than theory . I accepted it because I had no any option. I had already wasted so much time for preparation of general competition examination after the graduation. I tried so many times to crack general competition examination but I had failed so I decided to continue my further studies.

  • I recently picked up interest in PM, and have not experienced any major risk on a project yet.
    However, I think the mitigation for the risk (Presidential election) was well thought out and will be a good consideration for me in future projects.

  • One day I accepted the risk, while carrying out an intervention strategy for children from a school with reading and writing problems in a remote rural area, the risk was the unforeseen events of the workshop workers when mobilizing for that place, but some schedules could really be adjusted , themes and even extend some dates reducing other activities, so other options were not viable.

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  • It is normal to accept the risk identified based on the level of the risk. for instance the project of making teachers to adopt computer based teaching and learning, there is a risk that electricity will be on and off in the country and the electricity commission of Malawi came up with a schedule on when electricity will be off and for how long to a particular area. We accepted the risk by just following the schedule that at such a time electricity will be off at school X then we need to go there at such a time and this time lets go to school Y because the electricity is on that side. The risk is amicably accepted and it is not disturbing the progress of the project.

  • yes it is very important to consider all the risk factors when undertaking a project.

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  • My project end goal is for our caregivers to franchise. We take them through a three month intensive training and mentorship with hope of them Franchising at the end.
    However, the risk related is that some if not most drop out before franchising. It's a risk we have learnt to accept but we are getting around it

  • one time I planned to organize a football competition. In the same I traveled for a mission to different area.
    before I back, I had a problem to return back. and the furniture's I command were not available.
    So I then accepted to not do this activities because it was too late to realize it.

  • I am currently working on a project (WOHEVER) that aims to develop a mobile application to improve the management and monitoring of women's pregnancies in hospitals in Niger.
    In the case of this multi-actor project that I am leading with three other structures, the risks that we have identified include the following
    1-Administrative delays in obtaining official authorization to survey pregnant women in hospitals
    2-Strong resistance of the Nigerien population to change
    3 - Decreases in the commitment of the project team members as it is a multi-stakeholder project
    Thus, we decided to mitigate risk 1 by conducting surveys with the target population outside of the centers while waiting for authorization and to conduct a strong sensitization/training campaign for the target population to mitigate risk 2 and finally to accept risk 3. However, we organize weekly reporting and progress meetings.

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  • This can only be Wiza Simuchimba.

  • That was great but could have negatively impacted the intended outcome

  • A nice mitigation technique to keep your project going

  • A least you tried to monitor the situation, despite the other options being unattainale.

  • when the risk has a high impact on the project then you have to prepare for it in advance.Most likely you can mitigate or transfer.

  • during this period of covid 19 pandemic , sometimes government prevention measures was to stop an area where there were a high number of people infected , we put all materials related to prevention but we can not control the whole district.

  • In my point of view, it is ok to accept risks, when calculated and controlled they can have small impact inside the project or people who work there. Yes I have example where I had to take a risk in my own company and happens always when we need to purchase chicks, even without favorable temperature conditions (hot or cold) we insist putting chicks to avoid stopping the production, clearly when it is summer we reduce the quantity of lamps and when it is winter we add more lumps and controls the temperature to provide as much as possible of warming. So we decide always take those risks because our country works like that, if we want to do something we should be aware of the temperature conditions and figure out template to face it. Advice I can give is find out someone to give instructions about how to deal with the risks you are dealing with at the moment and not stop there, continuing with assessment, controlling and monitoring.

  • One time I accepted a risk was when key project participants were withdrawing from the study

  • One time I accepted a risk of not reaching out to our actual targets.we were reaching out to schools to mentor and sensitize students. But then,we realized that the category of students who needed that program most were the ones who skipped school,and such sensitization programs as they deemed such programs as a waste of time.

  • In my opinion accepting a risk should be an option only when there are no better options available. Mitigating and Monitoring the risk are more likely because they come in between avoidance and acceptance, when you avoid a risk you are avoiding an activity along with it which might affect the projects impact in a negative way however accepting the risk and spending on it may lead to unnecessary wastage of human and material capital.
    My Experience on risk was that at the beginning of the project of training youth on skill aquistion we notice the trainers were not able to make it on time during early hours of the day we was causing delay in covering the training curricullum, however we quickly identified and mitigated it by rescheduling the classes to afternoon and evening this helped in managing the risk and was accepted by both trainers and trainees.

  • The outbreak of covid 19 has caused havoc on most economies, giving rise to prices of commodities resulting from inflation. Deciding whether to buy goods at the current price or wait hoping for appreciation of the local currency against the US$ is risky. This is coupled with the coming election which will impact the economic performance and so the exchange rate. I decided to buy goods which have been ordered for and avoid any stocking.

  • One time, I accepted a risk in one of our project. The cheque to be given to our project from donor already signed by the first signatory but the second signatory to the cheque was admitted in the hospital for an emergency, and which will cause delay in getting the cheque. But since we foresaw a delay in the process, we had already included that in our project timeline and we were only delayed for 5 days

  • Accpeting risk itself is a big challenge. But we have to make different options considering if so cases.

  • One time the PM accepted to pay the transportation costs which were supposed to be covered by the field. They asked our organization to pay this expense and afterwards they would make us a refund. The PM accepted to do it because without the equipment (computers in this case) the project could not be started and he wanted to be on schedule as required by the donor. In addition, the community we where funding was related to our organization, so he knew thet would pay. Bottom line, we have been claiming more than a year to get the refund. The project was finished on time and the activities were done but be had to speak to our organization's authorities to intercede, lost a lot of time and energy claiming and (worse) we had a debt on our annual balance sheet that we had to account for.

  • thank you very much

  • If the risk is quite small and does not seem to impact much, we should accept it rather than unnecessarily spending portion of budget to mitigate or avoid the risk

  • It is very true, risks are a part and parcel of each project and in as much as some are manageable, some will be beyond one's control. These are the ones that have to be monitored closely but not lose touch of their development

  • Thank you for sharing. this is resourceful and informative experience.

  • One time I accepted the risk of completing a project when the project manager was not available as the lead. This was a safe risk to take rather than delaying the project and slipping behind schedule. I worked closely with the assigned project manager to outline the new roles, goals, and plan while they were unavailable. In the end, everything worked out just fine.

  • Upcoming presidential elections will interfere with workshops. this risk we mitigate but during break we also monitor if everything is ok we can continue and vice versa

  • One time I accepted the risk was when the software product we were using for making payments suffered a catastrophic downtime. This implied that I couldn't make the payments, allowances, for members on time and there was a possibility of the organization loosing critical employee's information. I accepted the risk because the Supplier couldn't be reached and the company, through the procurement, had failed on two occasions to pay the software's subscription fee.

  • I also accepted a risk because it was minor and easy to circumscribe without any risk of delay that could affect the schedule.

  • There was a time when my organization was expecting to be given accreditation for local government election observers, the application was turned down because of political change. We had to accept and give support to those who were allowed to observe the election so that they could do what we had planed to do on our behalf.

  • I do not have the experience in risk management but following this knowledge Iam getting in this course I can say my views.

    When you do not have enough resources especialy financial to work on the risk consider looking for different ways which will lead you through like scheduling time to skip expected risk period like for political based risks though will also interfere with the project's schedule.

  • Some risks are unavoidable such a natural disasters but the way an organisation plan in advance and react upon occurences is of paramount importance.

  • one time i accepted risk was graduation program we were small town for only one hall to hold programs so we just booked the hall and paid advanced so the council of the city needed to had meeting so our graduation program had to delay

  • One time that I accepted a risk Weakness and interruption of the Internet affect the access of materials. I accepted it because it is relatively small and with low impact

  • One time that I accepted a risk that Weakness and interruption of the Internet affect the access of documents. I accepted it because it is relatively small and with low impact

  • In Tanzania, due to political stability, the major risk for most of the projects is political interfearance.

  • Thanks For your Views

  • every project comes with its risk, accepting the risk should be when the project manager sees how much impact that risk would have on the particular project

  • Our company runs 7 days a week and any downtime can cause delay in revenue and backup in operations. We often have to update our software and despite running tests on servers we still have troubles with launches. We cannot avoid updating our software so it is a risk we have to take each time.

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