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  • **Hi World,

    My name is Hafiz Farrukh, I'm a B2B marketer! I deals IN-B2B, B2C & B2E, marketing analysis and research as well as in Digital Marketing. Cause of enrolling this course I want understand the soul of branding and why it is important in our world.**

    You can follow me @Linkedin

  • Welcome @John!

    Hafiz Farrukh

  • Hi, my name is Nwaokoro Ekene, I am from Nigeria. I work as an health educationist in a Primary health center, Edo State.

    1 Reply
  • Hello there, I go by the name Joshua Awuitor. I'm a growth catalyst for GSET

  • Hi I am looking forward to create a brand that helps socially and is a fashion also!

  • Good Morning from India.
    I am Lakshmi Narayana Nagisetty. With the background of Masters in Geophysics, worked with Government for the period of two decades (1983-2003) as an explorer searching for minerals.

    Later leaving that associated with National Institutes, Non Profits and other Agencies for community development for the last seventeen years (2003-2020) and moving on.

    As a Faculty, Advisor, Trainer, Mentor, Facilitator, etc., well familiar about the need of having branding for the product or service. With such background ad interest, joined into this course.

    Looking forward for better learning and sharing.

    Mobile: +91 9392445973

  • I am happy to see about the introduction of another learner.
    Looking forward
    with thanks

  • My name is Tochukwu from Nigeria, I am happy to be a learner of the course "branding" and nice meeting you all.

  • Hello everyone,
    my name is abisola adejumo,
    I'm taking this course from Nigeria.
    I hope to learn and connect with people as I take on this course.

  • Hi.
    I'm Dennis and I am looking forward to knowing more on Branding

  • I am Priscilla Mbai from Nairobi,Kenya.I work at a museum as an exhibitions designer.We design community projects that require branding so this course would be useful in my work.I would love to work in a team if an opportunity presents itself. I am looking forward to learning more about this exciting course.

  • My name is Felix Chukwuebuka Ugwu. I studied Marketing at University of Nigeria, Nsukka. I am a lover of marketing, advertising and brand management. I'm very keen at learning and developing my career as a marketer. The reason behind my enrollment in the study is to learn the practical aspect of branding and to prepare myself professionally for branding and advertising jobs.

  • Dear all,
    I am Rinda Alfred, based in Yaounde Cameroon-Africa. It a great pleasure to join you all in this wonderful opportunity of knowledge acquisition. I hope to be a useful member of this virtual class through out this course and why not after.
    Accept my warmest regards.


  • Hi! am Marc from Togo i would like to learn more about branding and the way to create an oustanding brand

  • Am Marcus safea Brima Togba, a Sierra Leonean basic in the Gambia Banjul west African, am in for a organization that dealing with concern,children from age range 0-5, and above,
    For that main reason the organization COYED,is there to foreseen those less privileged their support and equal with those of support,therefore the Coyed organization saw their life of lesser privileged and realized that, Aims and objectives of such should come into existence to seem those in need ,as their are in the society must fit and give them the support, that their would become a role playing in the society👬👬
    For sure ,dream like this, is for see ,in the life of this less privileged,glory on to God,as the members in the organization been seeking for more advanced of organisational knowledge, glory be God ,we to say yes our dream of expection is in place to been coming of across of your university who upon had all the logistics available and for such who really in need of it,have to get done with it, thank to God, is like am on my fifteenth courses now in your university,and we appreciate your support ,thanks to u all.
    And we are here,we need all that can assure things done for their life of, they less privileged into the society,we need your support,and we will send u our feedback to assure we are in the fields to see a good things upon in the future of the less privileged.
    Thank u thanks u.![alt text](![image url](image url))

  • My name is Felix Chukwuebuka Ugwu. I studied Marketing at University of Nigeria, Nsukka. I am a lover of marketing, advertising and brand management. I'm very keen at learning and developing my career as a marketer. The reason behind my enrollment in the study is to learn the practical aspect of branding and to prepare myself professionally for branding and advertising jobs.

  • hi,

    I am Cherry from the Philippines. I started my social enterprise selling natural soap LanaZe. This is to help people making sustainable independent selling at the same time empowering them thru self care and personal development. I wish that at the end of this course I will be able to grow and expand the brand as social enterprise not just merely a selling company.


    1 Reply
  • Hi All,
    I'm GT from Ghana. I have a start up Marketing and Social Research firm with some friends. I look forward to to gaining insights on effective branding which in the end will help us offer effectives branding solutions to our clients.

  • My name is LaKeisha Lowe, and I have a passion for nonprofit organizations so much so that I earned a PhD in Nonprofit Management. I am currently at a point in my life where I want to master the art of branding and marketing. I understand that branding and marketing help a person or organization to stand out compared to others in an industry. I am looking forward to being able to apply the knowledge that I gain from this course.

    LaKeisha Lowe, PhD, MPA

  • Hello everyone! My name is Alejandro Martinez and I am from San Diego, USA and Tijuana, MX. My passion is photography and have been teaching this medium in my community for over 5 years. Currently, I manage and run my own arts project here in the region called tiraTOGETHER. Check us out on Instagram @tiratogether or online at

    Can't wait to learn alongside ya'll!

  • Hi.
    I'm kayode AdeKoya,an Economist ,a social entrepreneur and committed member of philosophy university initiative, I have benefited a lot as a result the various courses that I have undergone on this platform that has added to my wealth of knowledge and able to deploy to use to impact positively our community, society and the world at large, I believe that this branding course is also going to be an added advantage. I welcome every other person on the platform.
    Thank you

  • Hello everyone, I've just started branding 101 and I'm enjoying😊

  • My name is Nyambura,from Kenya.I run a community program that makes hand knitted stuff.I hopeto plug into the branding world and have my brand stand out of the crowd.

  • Greetings, I wish you the best. My name is Romeo Méndez and I am taking the course from Guatemala.

    I work as Executive Director of the NGO InspirAcción.

  • Dalam setiap bisnis, setiap perusahaan pasti membutuhkan marketing untuk memasarkan suatu produk. Selain itu, perusahaan juga membutuhkan branding agar suatu produk bisa melekat di benak konsumen. Karena hal inilah, sebagian orang yang belum paham dengan bisnis, menganggap bahwa branding dan marketing mempunyai arti yang sama. Sebenarnya apa itu branding?

    Mudahnya, branding merupakan nama dari suatu bisnis yang dijalankan perusahaan. Sedangkan marketing merupakan strategi untuk membangun nama brand bisnis. Ingin mengenal branding secara lengkap? Atau ingin tahu perbedaan branding dengan marketing? Yuk, simak penjelasan lengkap berikut ini.

    Mengenal Lebih Dalam Apa Itu Branding
    Istilah branding berasal dari kata brand yang berarti merek. Lantas, apa itu branding yang dilakukan perusahaan dalam menjalankan bisnis? Branding merupakan pencitraan agar suatu produk dapat menarik dan melekat di benak konsumen. Bisa dibilang bahwa branding bisa diartikan sebagai bentuk komunikasi perusahaan dengan konsumen yang menjadi sasaran.

    Tujuan utama dari suatu branding adalah untuk mengenalkan brand perusahaan. Selain itu, branding juga bertujuan untuk membangun citra positif dan reputasi perusahaan agar selalu bagus di mata konsumen. Pencitraan yang dilakukan perusahaan ini dapat membangun kepercayaan konsumen terhadap perusahaan.

    Pengertian mudahnya, apa itu branding bisa dilihat dari suatu nama, logo, dan slogan suatu perusahaan yang melekat di benak konsumen. Bisa dikatakan bahwa branding cenderung untuk selalu menarik konsumen agar kembali lagi ke suatu produk yang dipasarkan perusahaan. Umumnya, branding dilakukan oleh perusahaan baru yang namanya belum terlalu dikenal masyarakat.

    Tujuannya bukan lain adalah untuk mengenalkan produk perusahaan dan mendapatkan konsumen sebanyak mungkin. Jika perusahaan memiliki suatu brand yang bagus, maka perusahaan tersebut akan mudah untuk melakukan penjualan produk. Jadi, perusahaan bisa mendapatkan banyak keunggulan. Salah satunya adalah mendapat banyak pendapatan.

    Baca juga : Pengertian Lengkap 7P Bauran Pemasaran atau Marketing Mix

    Fungsi Branding Dalam Suatu Bisnis
    Dalam suatu bisnis yang dijalankan perusahaan, aktivitas branding sangat dibutuhkan. Hal ini dikarenakan branding mempunyai banyak fungsi dalam suatu bisnis. Berikut ini ulasan lengkapnya.

    1. Sebagai Pembeda
      Fungsi branding dalam suatu bisnis yang pertama adalah sebagai pembeda. Setiap produk yang mempunyai brand yang kuat, maka konsumen akan mudah untuk membedakannya dengan brand perusahaan lain. Selain itu, branding juga dapat memberikan penanda dan ciri khas suatu produk. Sehingga, produk perusahaan dapat selalu diingat konsumen.

    2. Untuk Promosi Dan Daya Tarik
      Jika suatu produk memiliki brand kuat dan terkenal, maka hal tersebut akan menjadi daya tarik untuk konsumen. Sehingga, produk akan lebih mudah untuk dipromosikan kepada masyarakat. Dalam hal inilah, fungsi dari apa itu branding sangat penting untuk bisnis suatu perusahaan.

    Baca juga : Sistem Informasi Manajemen : Arti, Fungsi, Contoh, dan Manfaatnya

    1. Membangun Citra Perusahaan
      Fungsi lain dari branding adalah untuk membangun citra perusahaan. Jika suatu perusahaan memiliki citra yang bagus, maka produk dari perusahaan akan mudah dikenal oleh orang lain. Citra yang bagus juga dapat menunjukkan bahwa kualitas produk dari perusahaan tersebut tidak perlu diragukan.

    2. Alat Pengendali Pasar
      Setelah aktivitas branding dilakukan, maka produk perusahaan akan memiliki nama yang dikenal. Tentunya, hal ini akan memudahkan perusahaan untuk mengendalikan pasar. Pengendalian pasar ini bisa dilakukan karena masyarakat luas sudah mengenal dan mengingat produk perusahaan dengan baik.

    5.Untuk Mempengaruhi Psikologi Konsumen
    Fungsi terakhir branding dalam bisnis adalah untuk mempengaruhi psikologi konsumen. Jika suatu produk sudah memiliki brand yang kuat, maka konsumen akan percaya dan menganggap perusahaan tersebut profesional. Hal ini jelas berbeda dengan produk yang tidak mempunyai brand. Konsumen jelas akan memandang sebelah mata karena kurang percaya.

  • Hi everyone my Name is Favour.. And I am excited to be taking this course with you all.
    I currently own a small business, a fashion company (Vourie classic Fashion). It is my wish that my business grows to become a highly influential and internationally recognized fashion brand.

    I hope to get to know some of your better.

  • My name is Yesely I work for a nonprofit organizartion and I wnat to learn a lot in this course.

  • My name is Faith Yator ,i work in Kabarak University as an administrator and teaching part time units for business students .
    i would want at end of this course get to understand the exact meeting of personal branding and understand where i fir

  • Hi I am Sulaiman Kamara from Sierra Leone

  • My name is Nomsa Gwatiringa. I am a blessed entrepreneur having lived a full life of opportunities in my passions in hospitality industry, human resources, fulltime Church ministry publications division as regional marketing manager and currently as a real estate agent.
    Sometimes the thought that l should have specialised in one area and be a master at it occurs to me but l quickly remind myself that the exposure and diverse experiences l went through, the varied learning opportunities, the mistakes, different projects, business culture, and various people l interacted with,from reporting to a GM, to reporting to a Managing Director and President of an organisation made me wiser, more knowledgeable and adaptable to different roles of the corporate world.

    Being a wife and mother of 4 beautiful children aged 27,23,19,& 18, l have learnt to be patient, loving, caring and slow to anger. As a daughter to my late father, may his soul rest in peace, who experienced renal failure after 2 years of incontinence without even knowing about it, l have yearned to be of help to many ageing adult males about the importance of speaking out about any changes they may begin to encounter with age and not be quiet about it. My father told me a month before he passed on that he never knew the importance of drinking water, of taking less salt and eating a balanced diet, something l never thought of or even occurred to me that he needed to be told. The assumption was he is older and knows everything.

    A doctor friend of mine told me that incontinence is a disorder that can be rectified with ease and yet many males have died of the eventual renal failure because of ignorance and not coming out to seek help. So my desire is to create a "men's meeting place" which is both virtual social interaction platform as well as walk in social meeting place that allows different men to share their experiences, learn of the issues of incontinence, prostrate enlargement, renal failure and how it is possible to get medical help and be well again. I also wish to provide a place for solutions, giving social and financial aid for medical procedures and support to open dialogue about these issues. This is the main reason why l have joined this course. I truly hope to learn how to position myself in this regard whilst also crystallising this idea mapping the what, the why and the how of this project. I hope to also receive other colleagues thoughts and ideas to help me achieve thus goal.

    Thank you for this opportunity to learn in order to be of help to others.

  • Hi, I am Alexander from Malaysia. I am currently working on a project focusing on raising mental health awareness.

  • I am Godfrey H Mukiibi

  • Hello members
    I am Godfrey Hassan Mukiibi
    Founder and Director of Bugoye Children Advocacy & Life Planning Organization.
    I am the deputy director at the organization education project Destiny community School and I do fundraising for the projects, recruitment volunteers worldwide for this wonderful organization

  • Hi, I am Cristina, from México. I work in a NGO which works with vulnerability families in some themes, like education, health and personnel growing.

  • Hi, am AMINA HASSAN AYUBU from TANZANIA, am 25 years old and I work as a call center manager in a certain private sector.
    I also own several small businesses that I, wish that with this course I, will be able to grow bigger.

  • hello everyone,

    i am Sylvia R. Quinesio from the Philippines. I work with an insurance cooperative federation here. We partner with other primary cooperatives, providing them insurance products and services. Aside form insurance products, we also develop other value added programs for our partner coops like a woman's solution called 1Koop4HER and also promote a coop digital platform designed to help scale up our partner coops. I am excited to learn more about branding to encourage support and collaboration with other coops here in the Philippines.

  • hello cherry,

    i am happy to see you here, another learner from the philippines. mabuhay! let's keep in touch, see how we can collaborate in promoting your natural soap products.

  • Good morning!

    My name is LIM Phai from Cambodia. This is the 2nd time I joined the course of Philanthropy University.

  • Hi, I'm Helen. For the past year, I have been working with a small NFP engaging volunteers to help the community during the pandemic. As we (hopefully) come out of this and volunteering opportunities increase, I want to look at how my organisation will 'bounce back' and increase engagement.

  • Hello my name is Hope. I am looking forward to learning as much as I can from this course as well as you all. Welcome everyone!!

  • Hello my name is Hope. I have a name for my nonprofit however I want to understand branding more. I hope to learn from this course as well as all of you. Welcome!

  • My brand is all about cakes and cookies

  • Hi, my name is Ira and I am from India. I love this course on branding as it provides valuable information and advise as to how branding plays a very important role in our business. I am a national gold medalist fencer and love to sing and dance.

  • Hello Team, i am Brian Odama from Uganda. I work as a team leader at RoadWays Uganda, a youth non-profit organization working in reduction of road traffic crashes in Uganda.
    I am delighted to be taking this course as i know it will improve our image as an organization and also my personal ventures.
    nice meeting you all

  • Hello everyone,
    My name's Oladipupo Anna Akolade, I'm trying to start my own business and I'd like to know more on how to start properly.
    Thank you!

  • Hi everyone, I'm Annie Vi Gelbero-Alferez from Philippines, educator by profession in the field of Agricultural-business, motivated to take this course and to learn important things that can help to improve my knowledge so I can impart more on the field which I belong, this is very much important specially to my communities where I developing micro-entrepreneur for women's, youths and Indigenous People for their sustainable livelihood.

    God Bless everyone.

    1 Reply
  • Hello, my name is Jaco and I am from South Africa. I am a young professional who graduated from vet school in April 2021 and subsequently started working as a Compulsory Community Service Veterinarian in a small village in Mpumalanga Province. I am passionate about community education in primary animal health care and my goal is to start a nonprofit organization that caters to this need in South Africa. My goal is for this course to provide me with a starting point in planning and launching the nonprofit organization with an impactful branding strategy in mind. I am excited to join you all on this journey!

  • Hello Annie @LoveRain, it's great to meet someone else enrolled in this course who is passionate about educating communities on subsistence farming practices etc. I too am aiming to eventually develop such resources with my NPO here in South Africa, together with covering other topics such as primary animal health care, etc. Let's collaborate!!

  • Hello, I am Olimpika and I work as a Communications Associate with a funding agency in India that supports organizations and communities working in mental health.

  • Hi, My name is Israel Chinonso, An IT Consultant from Nigeria, am glad and excited being part of this training, i believe it will help me utilize and optimize my skill in the branding sector.

  • Hi.. My name is Eno, this is my first time on branding 101, it's a great opportunity that mustn't be wasted..

  • Hi, I'm from the Philippines. I'm planning to set up a nonprofit to address hunger and poverty.

    1 Reply
  • Greetings to all-Branding 101; my name is Shirlene C Olson, Chicago US time zone, currently serving on several Indiana University boards 501(c3) and a retired United States Master Sergeant serving 23 years in the US Army. I am a two-time IUN graduate with an MBA, LSSGB, '20 certification; the BGS, '06 degree was responsible for catapulting the later part of my military career as a Senior Regional Chief instructor.

    Later these degrees receive credit for many opportunities of involvement with learning ways to use talent and education on giving back and supporting several philanthropy organizations paying it forward with time, skills, and gifts. I am soon to complete the launching of a branding consultant company and fuel the groundwork I have to learn this far is just the surface of what is required to be successful in several areas before the launch.

    I desire to learn and share while at the same time be authentic. Through branding, I am creating social impact and empowerment of others. This course provides the opportunity to get out what you invest. I also look forward to making some connections and gaining knowledge from others who may have been successful, and share their experiences and incite.

  • Am called Nambula Andrew Jackson.
    I am glad to be part of this great community and i guess it will be exciting to share ideas together.

  • I'm in the person of Priscilla Osei and it is a privilege to join this course

  • I'm in the University of Cape Coast Ghana, a BCOM Accounting student and I'm a pending graduate. Hoping to be enlightened more on this interesting topic.

  • That's wonderful. I wish you well on your will to pursue such a great course. That's very thoughtful of you

  • my name is Dagim Wakgari
    I am from Ethiopia
    i have graduated by geology in Ethiopia university
    i am very glad because of i joined you


  • I am Anjola Oladele, a Guidance Counselor by profession, a trained Children Minister with the passion to help children become all God has destined them to be, helping them through their developmental stages and also grooming them to become a total child who is complete mentally, socially, physically and spiritually.
    A renowned entrepreneur and a skilled Social Media Manager. She has helped different small scale businesses manage their social media handles over the years.

    She is currently an Intern at Flickers of Hope Foundation Abuja where she is learning and building more capacity in her career pursuit by working with
    children, building more interpersonal relationships skills, team leadership skills and overall self improvement.

    She believes strongly in excellence, competency and honesty.She loves learning,reading, interacting with people and she enjoys hairstyling.

    I am happy to join this group.

  • Hi, I'm Jannie. I'm glad to here learning about branding. it's amazing to get this course.

  • Hello, my name is Ms. Tuney Royal and I am a Jamaican. I am a teacher professionally. And trying to start up my own business.

  • Hi Everyone!
    My name is Lucy, I am human rights Lawyer from Kampala Uganda.

    1 Reply
  • Am Ezenwafor Odera From Anambra State Nigeria. Hope am welcome

  • My name is Raphael, I am a passionate brand builder, who has attempted to build his own brand. Am looking forward to enhancing my brand appearance and effectiveness.
    Currently am collaborating with friends to bear the relevant brand tools for my brand.
    Am also a full time staff in a non-profit organization, delivering light communication and marketing support.
    Wholesomely, am looking at this course as a reliable ladder to enhancing my effectiveness in the commitment to my brand and the job.

  • I am modupe. I am enterprenuer.

  • We are offering a customized and quality-ensured products and services.

  • My name is Ryan Cabote and I am taking this course because I am the CEO and Founder of a student-run non-profit organization and would like to gain more insight on how to effectively run a non-profit.

  • Hello everyone. I'm Sambo Mwadweng. It's good to be here.

  • I am an aspiring Graphic Designer and i'm really looking forward to enhancing my knowledge about branding. Glad to be onboard.

  • Hi! My name is Patricia. Founder and Board Member of the Gibson Soto Foundation

  • Hi! My name is Patricia. Founder and Board Member of the Gibson Soto Foundation

    @Sambo said in Digital Branding Vs Cultural Branding:

    What exactly do you mean by Cultural branding?

    The Nike philosophy is perfect example of the „cultural branding” approach to brand strategy.
    The main idea of this concept is based on convenient that brands have a chance for spectacular successes always when they solving crisis and conflicts appearing in society. Holt points here tension between social reality and aspirations, ideas, visions about decent life in which believe representatives of respective social group

  • Janet Samuel Zavanza a Humanitarian worker am so glad to be here

  • Hello everyone, my name is Martin Johnson, hailing from the top off the mountain in Arizona. I'm currently working with a board of advisors to launch an NPO providing affordable or no-cost home, yard, and accessibility service while providing volunteers an opportunity to learn new job skills while provide this great service to our community. We are in discussions on name and branding and I'm looking forward to the offerings of this course to help launch us successfully.

  • I'm a creative professional with 3+ years of experience in communication and business. I have a strong will to design and define ideas that are not only relevant but purposeful verbally and visually using creative strategy, storytelling, design thinking, and life experiences.

    I work with C-suite/Business owners/Innovators to craft Strategies, Identities, Campaigns, Creative Directions that have the potential to grow, achieve business goals and help make sales.

  • I'm a creative professional with 3+ years of experience in communication and business. I have a strong will to design and define ideas that are not only relevant but purposeful verbally and visually using creative strategy, storytelling, design thinking, and life experiences.

    I work with C-suite/Business owners/Innovators to craft Strategies, Identities, Campaigns, Creative Directions that have the potential to grow, achieve business goals and help make sales.

  • First of all , i want to say hi for evry learner here. I am Mohamed Achraf Nahid , an ambitious teenager who is keen on Digital Marketing and Computer Science. I really want to acquire new skills and more knowledge as possible as i can. I hope that i will complete all the courses here. All in All , i believe that the more you learn the more you earn.

  • I am a university student. I can't continue my studies because of Covid-19. So, I am running a small business: a small restaurant. I need to know what is branding exactly.

    1 Reply
  • Hello Everyone, my name is Tomi Jamal-Alayande, a Brand Communications Specialist from Lagos, Nigeria with experience in the Social Impact and Change space. I am taking this course to learn more about Branding so I can be more effective in my profession.

  • Wow, this is nice to read. All the best!

  • H Wayne Renz
    Have Hammer Will Travel A.C. woodworking and CAD school

  • H Wayne Renz
    Have Hammer Will Travel A.C. woodworking and CAD school

  • Hello,
    My name is Patricia, I am from Lima - Peru.
    I have a background in archaeology and social science. Nowadays adapting my path towards anything I need to learn to start a non profit organization.
    My will is to reach people and give them a message in which they can find spirituality and a sense consciousness beyond boundaries. I have some ideas that can accompany this general prompt answer, but I still need to enhance and work on them. My hope is to develope the right skills to accomplish this project.

  • Hello everyone!
    My name is Irene Robert Doctor, a medical doctor highly passionate about public health. I strongly believe in the need for expansion of health education to the community as a major key to promote our health. To be able to achieve the SDG 3, society education on health issues would be the game changer. Therefore I am here to learn how about Branding so as to brand myself and identify areas where my skills and knowledge can be used to provide health education to the community. Thank you for being here with me. I look forward to more discussions and exchange ideas from this platform

  • Hello, I am Jeriko Cadang from the Philippines. I am currently studying Entrepreneurship at my university. I wish to learn more and expand my knowledge in the basic concepts and strategies of branding. So, I am honored and privileged to have been given this opportunity.

    1 Reply
  • Faith Oge from Nigeria

  • Hello everyone. I am Josephine Bujiku, working as a marketing and public relations manager. I am involved in branding besides other marketing and communication activities. I am optimistic that, the course will improve my expertise in branding and assist to me create an impact to my organisation.

  • Hello everyone, my name is Shadreck Samungu. I'm very happy to undertake this course.

  • Hello Its Mujahid Hussain From Pakistan, I'm fresh Entrepreneur, and I have started my Online small business with the help of Facebook and social Media marketing,
    I want to Do Professionally Branding, that's why I' m here on Branding 101, Thanks to Philanthropy university for making these type of Opportunities and also thanks to Instructor of Branding 101.
    I hope I Will Get My Goals Achieved From here.

  • hi..I am shobhit from new delhi, i have been working in the space of the development sector since the past 15 years. my expertise have been in this field of business development ,resource mobilisation, training and field operations. currently I'm working for an organisation heading the fundraising vertical of the organisation, I take the course to enhance my skills and outlook towards branding, marketing and other retail management aspects of sponsorship and mobilising resources.

  • hi i am shobhit and have been working in the sector of social development since the past 15 years. I am primarily engaged into this is development fund raising resource mobilising and partnership management. I hope to enhance my ability,skill and perspective on terms of messaging branding marketing in regards to retailing & sponsorship for fundraising via digital methods and enhancing the value of the organisation

  • Hey there, my name is Arnold from Ghana. I am happy to enroll in this course. And, I look forward to learning from and sharing ideas with you all.

  • Hello all, i am Favour kelvin and i am excited to be taking this course with you all . i am a social media manager , brand identity designer and an admin support virtual assistant
    i help small businesses gain a strong online presence, develop content that would generate traffic and increase engagements, and i also help CEO run administrative errands online

  • I am Glory Ayobami, a passionate young leader from Nigeria.

    I'm an aspiring social entrepreneur who believes so much in becoming the change she wants to see in the world.

    I'm Into advocacy programs on SDG 3&5, as well as Personal, professional and community development.

    I'm looking forward to having a wonderful experience learning and interacting with everyone intentional learner here.

    Thank you Philanthropy University for this opportunity.

  • My name is Solomon Komolafe. I trust going through this course would be a wonderful experience

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