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  • Course Facilitator

    @ijadeleabigail1 ,the organization that you're talking about is doing lots of good.Could you please tell us this organization's name?Thank you for sharing this powerful story with us.

  • Course Facilitator

    @jennyj-03 ,the story you're sharing with us is powerful and relatable at the same time.I know from personal experience that sometimes,school kids and teachers can be mean,vicious and spiteful.With such a negative attitude,it is easy for them to say or even do hurtful things to others within the school community.This in turn leads to lack of confidence and self esteem issues among some kids.The role of a teacher is to encourage and mentor his/her students such that they reach their full potential in life.

  • Course Facilitator

    @hjmayes ,awwwww.This powerful story pulled at my heartstrings.Thanks for sharing Sephanie's story with us.

  • A story I found really powerful was one about a baby howler monkey here in Belize that was attacked by dogs. His tail was badly damaged and needed surgery to remove the damaged part. The monkey was compromised and the rehabilitation centre were not sure that he would ever be able to be released. As he grew and matured they realised that he was coping beautifully with his damaged tail, and could certainly be released along with the rest of his troop. He is now doing well as a released wild animal and has several offspring. The story was told by the rehab centre on social media with such love and emotion that it has stayed with me as an axample of great storytelling.

    1 Reply
  • That is a wonderful story and a fabulous project - I didn't know there was such a thing. What a wonderful way to empower the poorer members of a community

  • Course Facilitator

    @NIKKIB ,the story of this monkey has a painful start & a beautiful ending.Thanks for sharing it with us.

  • e6001a6d-dba0-41ac-981b-63abebfaa535-image.png There is a story about a blues musician, called BBKing. He rescued his guitar from a fire.
    The story goes that King first used that moniker for a guitar he rescued from a fire while he was playing an Arkansas club in 1949. The blaze broke out as two men fought over a woman, and the musician narrowly escaped death after he went back into the club to save his guitar, the auction house said.
    When King learned the woman’s name was Lucille, he named his guitar after her “to remind himself to never fight over a woman or run into a burning building,” the auction house said.

    2 Replies
  • A story I found really powerful was Living Dangerously: A Memoir of Political Change in Malawi. It made me feel like I have a lot to do to help out in the society. this is a story that had husbands, public figures imprisoned for speaking out the truth about the then regime

    1 Reply
  • Course Facilitator

    @JCCortesmusic ,thank you for sharing this story with us.

  • Course Facilitator

    @tumbikanimpinganjira ,thanks for sharing your powerful story with us.

  • The story that I found interesting was the story of Mario and the kid. It's so emotional and life changer.

    1 Reply
  • Course Facilitator

    @dennisjoe782 ,thanks for sharing your powerful story with us.What lesson(s) did you learn from it?

  • You convey your story in very effective way. Great!

  • a story that I found really powerful was the rise of the busby babes after the Munich air disaster in 1958. It made me feel proud and happy because those lads never give up.

    1 Reply
  • @JCCortesmusic it was an inspiring story

  • Course Facilitator

    @matthewaustinnn ,thanks for sharing your story with us.What are some of the lessons that you learn from the Busby Babes?

  • The story I found most powerful was the story I wrote in my blog about my abortion. I felt a sense of relief when other women who had shared my experience responded as well. It was such an eye-opener as to how people can sense sincerity and respond to it as they should. Sometimes it is very positive and other times, well. That ability to invoke strong emotions was truly amazing to me

    1 Reply
  • Stories in the Mental Health sector are vulnerable and emotionally connecting. One such story I heard is that of a suicide survivor who was now fighting the world to make it a better place to live for others. He started small with a vision to not let anyone else struggle with their mental health alone and went on creating a platform where hundreds of people were heard every day without judgment by a team of volunteers he handpicked.

    I remember the story so well because of how vulnerable the person was to present it honestly. He was not ashamed of his past, he carried it with him to make the present better. When I first heard the story, I was numb. I was numb to know that I can never go through this person's pain. I could see his emotions come to the surface a hundred times, slowly reaching every listener and making them feel a bit of the story.

    This story compelled me to enter the world of mental health as a Founder myself. The story made me understand what empathy means, why the world of mental health is so painful and how a hundred lives can be touched by one simple act of kindness.

    2 Replies
  • Course Facilitator

    @NjabuMabu ,thanks for sharing your powerful story with us.Abortion is a powerful yet controversial issue as women are judged harshly for choosing to terminate their pregnancies for reasons best known to them.

  • Course Facilitator

    @PriyanshiT ,thanks for sharing this powerful story with us.Mental health is another issue that needs urgent attention in order to prevent more deaths arising from it.

  • “A story I found really powerful was of a girl and her dog. It made me feel self-less love & compassion."

    1 Reply
  • What made this story so impactful was how relatable it was. I feel it is pretty easy to imagine oneself into Mario's shoes and what he went through, adding symbolism to the object.

  • A very impactful way to reduce stigma around mental health as well!

  • Course Facilitator

    @meenu_amity ,thanks for your answer.

  • the story i found very powerful is the story about the mouse. it made me feel that even a small thing has a powerful story behind it.

    1 Reply
  • Course Facilitator

    @YasirAmirullah ,thanks for sharing your powerful story with us all.

  • A story I found really powerful was Luffy adventures with his pirate crew in One Piece, they are a pirate of the dreamers. they beat many obstacles because they believe in their dreams. It made me feel like I have to do something with my dream because I believe in my dream too, it was so motivated me to believe in my dream and to reach my dream

  • A story I found really powerful was Luffy adventures with his pirate crew in One Piece, they are a pirate of the dreamers. they beat many obstacles because they believe in their dreams. It made me feel like I have to do something with my dream because I believe in my dream too, it was so motivated me to believe in my dream and to reach my dream

    1 Reply
  • Course Facilitator

    @aldiallll ,thanks for sharing your powerful story with us.I am certain that other learners will also love it.

  • rich dad poor dad by robert kyosaki

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  • A story i found really powerful was the story of Sam Porter Bridges, a porter delivering packages throughout america during post apocalypstic event. It made me feel connected with the story and the characther which develop me to feel like we need each other in this world and not being individually alone.

    1 Reply
  • I feel like i can relate to this story which reminded me of how i cope with my situation.

  • Course Facilitator

    @ricardog01 ,Rich Dad Poor Dad is an iconic story compiled into a motivational book.Millions of people around the world are familiar with it.

  • Course Facilitator

    @adamwahyu439 ,thanks for sharing the prologue of Sam Porter Bridges' story.

  • A story I found really powerful was from a novel titled The Lovely Bones about the murder of a teen named Susie Salmon. It made me feel all sorts of powerful emotions such as sadness, anger, relief, and happiness.

    1 Reply
  • I feel like i can relate to this story which reminded me of how i cope with my situation.

  • A story I found really powerful was the story of my mother. When my mother was a child her mother went out and my mother was waiting for her as a child specially if our mother went out we will ask and find her where she went.Altogether with her younger brothers they still waiting until night and became days and became weeks, months, years and until they didnt know whats happen to her mother. It made me feel sorry for my mother and I also feel grateful that we have her until we grow up.

    2 Replies
  • Course Facilitator

    @adinda_pasugitaningtiyas ,thanks for sharing your powerful story with us all.This novel was adapted into a movie that I watched a few years ago and can relate to some of the emotions that you felt.

  • Course Facilitator

    @delvillaone ,thanks for sharing your powerful story with us.What lessons have you learnt from it?

  • A story I found really powerfull was the story of a small mouse accompanied by a fictional story, it made me feel very emotiona

    1 Reply
  • Course Facilitator

    @bishoprobert181 ,thanks for your answer.What are some of the life lessons that this story empowered you with?

  • Hello All,

    Working with nonprofits over the years you hear tons of stories that move you to act; this made it a bit difficult to chose just one for this assignment. Most recently I watched a documentary on Netflix- Seaspriacy that I found really captivating. It made me reflect on my role in the "seaspiracy" and what small changes I can make in hopes it would added to the global contribution. The story made me feel sad, angry, guilty, shocked, urgency, and hopeful.

    Thank you for all the wonderful stories shared.


    1 Reply
  • This was a really sad story. As a mother of 2 girls and one who is close to her mother, I can't imagine how your mother and her siblings felt. I am curious what happened to your grandmother? What happened next?

    Thank you for being open and sharing.


  • Course Facilitator

    @Asmit245 ,thanks for sharing with us about a powerful story that greatly impacted you.What life lessons did it empower you with?

  • A story I found really powerful was that of a young boy aged 14 whose mother died at child birth and was raised by different relatives. Disowned by his own father due to his HIV status, the boy has grown up to be an advocate of young boys living with HIV. He walks kilometers away to get ARVs sometimes begging transport. It made me feel sorry and encouraged at the same time, how a young boy still in primary school has to adopt to life challenges and still go strong. As he was sitting for his KCPE exams this year I was compelled to buy him a geometrical set, clipboard and provide lunch and transport for the days he was doing his exam. Wish him well in his exams.

    3 Replies
  • Course Facilitator

    @Krystynne ,first and foremost,thanks for sharing this powerful story with us.It is a shame that this young boy was disowned by his own father.I hope GGod blesses him.

  • A story I found really powerful was my own grandmother's. It made me feel inspired to pursue my dreams, doesn't matter how impossible they seem to be.

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  • What I found very powerful are some stories of some refugees or migrants. I makes me feel frustrated and angry at the situation they are in. I myself moved to a different country so I know what it means to move. But I moved out of my own will whether these people have been forced to flee their homes, friends, jobs, lives. They had to travel through different countries, risking their lives. Imagine if you were not a courageous person. Imagine if you were one of those that just liked being in the comfort of your home. Imagine having to leave all of that to embark in an adventure that an adventurous person would find scary. Imagine being a child having to leave all your toys and friends. Imagine leaving without saying goodbye. Imagine seeing your house with all the things you worked for inside getting destroyed. Imagine living with those images of death and destruction, of trafficking an violence, of fear and tears. Imagine living all that and getting to a place were people just judge you from a generalised newspaper that you didn't even write or contributed to. Imagine after all this, being judged for who you are or who you are not. Imagine after all this, just being judged. Being rejected. Being scared again. Suffer again. I wrote my Master dissertation on this subject highlighting how Fortress Europe is destroying people's lives based on a generalised, incorrect newspaper that doesn't even tell the real story of these people.

    1 Reply
  • one powerful story that moved me was the story of a woman I had a talk with while on field, the woman lost a baby during delivery. she lives in a rural community and did not have access to ante-natal care while she was pregnant. she had an infection that could have been treated if she had access to ante-natal care.

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  • this is a compelling story. i wish him the best in his exams

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  • Course Facilitator

    @Beatriz_Gonzaga2021 ,its nice to know that your grandma's story inspired you to pursue your dreams.Could you kindly share with us a bit of it?

  • Course Facilitator

    @sofiallegro ,the plight of migrants,especially refugees is far from bearable.It surely takes a certain kind of strength and willpower to thrive after so much hardship.My heart feels for anyone going through such a difficult situation and may God walk with them through the darkest of times.Thank you for sharing this powerful,poignant and relatable story with us.What are some of the life lessons that this story has empowered you with?

  • Course Facilitator

    @Eunice-Idan12 ,best of luck to that young man.

  • Course Facilitator

    @Eunice-Idan12 ,the loss of this woman's baby was very unfortunate.I hope the local government or non profits in her country or village have considered the idea of bringing healthcare services nearer.

  • Sure, it's a pleasure. My grandma was an independent woman in her late 20s. She was a Chief Nurse in a hospital when she met my grandpa in the decade of 40. My grandpa was a widower with a young daughter, who my granny was pleased to meet.
    They fell in love, got married, but things changed. He could spend days in Casinos, spending nights out and come back home wearing unknown perfumes. Life with my grandpa proved to be far too challenging.
    My granny became a housewife and was pregnant with her fifth baby when she couldn't cope anymore and decided to leave. She was already alone with them, anyway. Betrayed, humiliated, taken from her career. She knew she would have a better life only with her kids.
    She asked him to take care of the four children for a month. That time was precious to find a decent home for the family and to get a job. Off she went, dreaming of a new life!
    She received support from cousins, who offered a place where she could stay with the four kids, give birth and then start in the hospital again. She found occupation as a caregiver in the community, so she went looking for the children, but they all had disappeared! Yes, my grandpa told the kids that she had died, he moved God knows where and my granny spent nearly 5 years looking for her kids, until, one unexpected day, she bumped into my father on the streets! The best day of her life after many, many years!
    What I learned from this story is that she never gave herself up for anyone and never lost her hope.

    1 Reply
  • The story of a man who couldn't speak but was an expert at computer networking. He was struggling to find a job because the laws around disability rights are not as strictly enforced as they should be in my country. However an NGO decided to tie up with a few MNCs which were looking to recruit technical experts and help in ensuring that he was accommodated. This story made me feel touched that this man was able to get a job that might have been out of reach if not for the training and support the NGO provided to the MNC.

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  • Course Facilitator

    @Beatriz_Gonzaga2021 ,thank you for sharing your grandma's story with us.She's a powerful woman because she finally walked away from a marriage that wasn't worth her time anymore.It takes a certain kind of strength to do that.Also,the 40s were a time of gender disparity because its not often that you came across a woman that was educated to such a level.Her story is very enriching and inspiring and I hope fellow learners learn a thing or two from it.

  • Course Facilitator

    @MonaSkyes ,overlooking the disabled by organizations that opt to hire able bodied employees is unfair and needs to change.I am glad that this man was given a chance to showcase his computer networking skills.Thank you for sharing this powerful story with us.

  • Thank you for your kind comments, @alUG!

    1 Reply
  • There are so many lovely stories here! I'm enchanted.

  • A story I found memorable was that of Chuwuebuka, a street hawker that gave bottled water to a thirsty prisoners who where conveyed to prison in traffic. It made me feel nostalgic any time I remember this story. It was told by a twitter user who was stuck in traffic with the prison van and noticed the prisoners watching and staring into space in
    the Black Maria. The young man with his wares on his head went closer and asked if they are hungry and proceed to distribute his wares to the hungry prisoners. The video was went viral.
    He was sought out and interviewed. He told the story of the wrong accusation that led him to prison. When he was released, with nothing to fall back to, he started hawking.
    He said he understood the stares of those prisoners and wanted to give them hope.

    1 Reply
  • The story I found powerful was hearing how rough my parents had it when growing up as children. Although, looking back on it, I feel those stories were meant to guilt trip us as children. Nevertheless, I felt bad about asking for so much as a child. Now, as an adult, I ask for nothing and work for what I want as I should.

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  • A story I found really powerful was "Imitation of Life." It made we feel sad because of how the daughter treated the mom as if she did not exist in the world. I felt the hurt and pain of the mom's love for the daughter although it was not reciprocated.

    1 Reply
  • I remember that story as well. It was a very sad story but very powerful. It will make you appreciate your mother, that's for sure.

  • Good afternoon,

    It is good to reflect back on how we view something as a child compared to an adult. As grow into adulthood, you see the wisdom you have gained over the years. I appreciate you for sharing your story.

    1 Reply
  • Course Facilitator

    You're very welcome!!!

  • Course Facilitator

    @nneukamaka ,wow.Thanks for sharing your powerful story with us.I am certain that other learners will appreciate it too.

  • Course Facilitator

    @thankful ,I agree with you on this one.With age comes knowledge & wisdom.

    There were two identical twin brothers that were very close. They lived together in the same flat. Their names are Ayo and Segun. Ayo is a very good man . He loved to help every one he could help. He is so humble despite the fact that he is very rich. Segun is so rude and very lazy. Despite Ayo provides all he needs for him , he still went around stealing from people Ayo had warned him so many times but he did not heed to Ayo's warning. One day Segun went to steal and incidentally killed his victim. There was blood all over him. Immediately , the police were called. He quickly ran away from the scene and ran home. The police ran after him. As soon as he got to the house , he entered and locked the door. Ayo saw that he was soaked with blood and asked him what happen. he quickly explain to him. Ayo reminded him of how he has been warning him since. The he told Segun to remove his bloody clothes . Ayo too removed he his clothes and they exchange their clothes. since they are identical when then police came they took Ayo instead of Segun. Ayo was taken to police custody, then he was taken to court. The Judge sentenced him to death. When Ayo was about to be killed, he told the police that he needed to talk to his brother privately. Ayo and Segun were together for the last time . Ayo now pleaded to Segun that he should not steal again . He said that he died in his place so that he will turn from his bad ways . They both hug themselves and wept bitterly. Segun promised never to return to his bad ways. Ayo was then taken away to be killed. from that day Segun turned away completely from his bad ways . And he became a very good man.

    1 Reply
  • Course Facilitator

    @idijeli ,this is one interesting story.I feel that Ayo didn't have to take responsibility for Segun's sins.His heart was made of the most pure gold though.Its nice to know that Segun changed his ways and became a good man.What life lessons does this story teach you?Learners,how many of you would sacrifice their life for an irresponsible sibling?Please share your responses with us.

  • A story I found powerful was the Omoruyi’s story and it made me feel the need to help them through the Foundation

    The Foundation’s Ogun State Coordinator watched as every morning a single mother would take her 3 children to a public school at a long distance.

    One day she talked to Mrs Omoruyi whose husband has passed on a while ago why they have to go the distance to a public school and she explained that was what she could afford and she has been struggling to feed them. The state coordinator sat the children down and tested what they have learnt so far.

    Happy who was the eldest child could not read and she was in Primary 3 in her school, and the other children couldn’t read and write.

    The Foundation tried to raise money for the 3 children for a better school but could only raise for 2

  • A story I found really powerful was the Omoruyi’s. It made me feel emotional and source for donations to help them

    The Foundation’s Ogun State Coordinator watched as every morning a single mother would take her 3 children to a public school at a long distance.

    One day she talked to Mrs Omoruyi whose husband has passed on a while ago why they have to go the distance to a public school and she explained that was what she could afford and she has been struggling to feed them. The state coordinator sat the children down and tested what they have learnt so far.

    Happy who was the eldest child could not read and she was in Primary 3 in her school, and the other children couldn’t read and write.

    The Foundation tried to raise money for the 3 children for a better school but could only raise for 2

  • Thank you for sharing

  • Thank you for sharing about the NGO

  • A story I found really powerful was the Omoruyi’s. It made me feel emotional and source for donations to help them

    The Foundation’s Ogun State Coordinator watched as every morning a single mother would take her 3 children to a public school at a long distance.

    One day she talked to Mrs Omoruyi whose husband has passed on a while ago why they have to go the distance to a public school and she explained that was what she could afford and she has been struggling to feed them. The state coordinator sat the children down and tested what they have learnt so far.

    Happy who was the eldest child could not read and she was in Primary 3 in her school, and the other children couldn’t read and write.

    The Foundation tried to raise money for the 3 children for a better school but could only raise for 2

    1 Reply
  • Course Facilitator

    @koa ,thanks for sharing your powerful story with us.I am glad that it inspired you to raise funds for them.

  • The Story by author Meghan O’Rourke: The story of the mother gave me the impression how well expressed memories pass from one to the other impactfully. Mario was something which made the story catchy. The story made me feel emotional that they didn't meet prior to her death.

    1 Reply
  • Great story, I would love to contribute to that organization.

  • The story of Iqbal Masih will always be in my heart. this 13 year old kid saved hundreds of children slaves working in outskirt of lahore. He himself was a slave and he dreamed to free himself from his master. When he eventually broke out of his master's house, he started working for an organization to slave other slaves who were oppressed to work to pay their debt.

    1 Reply
  • Course Facilitator

    @Tenu ,thanks for sharing this powerful story with us.What are some of the life lessons it has enriched you with?

  • Course Facilitator

    @Hurmatullah ,slavery is bondage in its purest form.It takes courage to fight against it.Thanks for sharing your powerful story with us.

  • So I have a book that written by famous writer (Leo Tolstoy), he tell story about past, present, and future periode. This story is memorable make my mind thinking again about all periode, makes me change my mind about worried something about time

    1 Reply
  • Course Facilitator

    @Alt_jesslyn ,thank you for your response.I hope you're enjoying this book that you're telling us about.What life lessons has it empowered you with thus far?

    1 Reply
  • A story I found about a child of 12 years girl who was raped and abandon. I really felt so much for bad and pity for her

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  • Course Facilitator

    @AnitaOnyabeyiOonoJubilee ,the story you're sharing with us is heart wrenching.Rape is an evil that must stop.

  • The story I found really powerful was a call for donation put up in video format by an organization. They were promoting virtual learning for children in slums. It displayed a couple of children and their seemingly disadvantaged background; the slums and their daily life. The video showed the impossibility of ever having access to internet of computer gadgets. But being helped by this organization to access laptops and internet, and further being enrolled for a virtual learning class with other children in similar situations.

    Through the video, I felt the emotions of the children being offered a possibility an opportunity beyond their background. They were extremely excited. It ignited in me a new way of telling my impact stories to include emotions that truly come to life, asides the need for many more children in rural communities to have access to this kind of experience. Anyone would love to donate and be apart of that work after seeing the video

    1 Reply
  • Eunice Peter is currently a beneficiary of our scholarship project in Flickers of Hope Foundation, Abuja Nigeria. She was in primary six at Kuzhako Community primary School when we were in her remote village for educational sensitization/awareness campaign. Her mother never went to school all her life, but she had a desire and a wish for her children despite her poor state to be educated. On one of our visit to Eunice's family house, the mother said, "it is a pain in my heart that I did not have the opportunity to attend school like others, but I wish and I pray to God to make way for my children to be able to go." She was so rapped in joy and said to us, "You people will not understanding how happy I am on the scholarship that you people offered my Daughter."
    She did the talking in her dialect but on looking at her facial expression, you can actually see that she feels like a woman in heaven.

    2 Replies
  • Course Facilitator

    @benedictaN ,internet access is a luxury in some sections of society.I am glad that the video you watched highlighted the importance of technology & internet in the context of education.Thanks for sharing this powerful story with us.

  • Course Facilitator

    @Ojoagbene ,thanks for sharing a powerful story that highlights the positive impact of having an education.

  • A sad and insightful moment.

  • I collect career stories and share them with students. One of the most powerful stories I have heard is that of a girl, she is an orphan, her guardians couldn't afford fees, so she got home schooled which allowed her to skip some grades and eventually the youngest person to ever enroll at a university in our country. This and other stories make me feel more sure that disadvantages can be repurposed into opportunities. And this is something I actively try to teach.

    1 Reply
  • Course Facilitator

    @muneddmore ,thank you for sharing this powerful & inspiring story with us.

  • A story I found really powerful in my social impact work was the story of how learning gadgets were provided for some children in rural areas and they were been taught virtually by teachers online. It made me feel emotional and I was really happy about how technology has improved and how the children could benefit too.

    1 Reply
  • The story I found memorable for me was story depicts poverty of certain population. The stories about them unable to afford medication, food or even school. A kid was usually targeted in the stories, such as not able to go to school, finding food in garbages and others. It made me feel so sad for their condition and wanting to donate to assist them.

    1 Reply
  • Course Facilitator

    @missnoovdle ,your story is relatable because poverty is a reality that's faced by millions of people around the world.Thank you for sharing your answer with us.

  • Course Facilitator

    @GLORIOUS12 ,technology has revolutionized the education sector which is a step in the right direction.Thanks for sharing your answer with us.

  • Thanks so much for engaging sir.

    1 Reply
  • A story that I found really powerful was about one parent who started organisation that supports heart surgeries after for children after she had lost her child to a heart disease. The story made be feel strong and to believe that the future bright

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  • Course Facilitator

    @GLORIOUS12 ,you're very welcome.

  • Course Facilitator

    @OtiliaMubviro ,the story you're sharing with us is very inspiring & powerful at the same time.I say this because the protagonist's loss & pain inspired her to start an organization that's impacting several lives at once.Thank you for sharing this powerful story with us.

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