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  • It's all about empathy and knowing that we should all support each other.

    2 Replies
  • @JorgeBombi said in Module 5 Discussion: No Risk, No Gain:

    In order to advance our organization we are willing to take a risk of analyzing customer complaint because is valuable to risk identification and advance our mission, we are thriving for a better service provision and the customer is one of the stakeholder.

    Your correctly ,however its also better to assess customer satisfactions, though its challenging to meet all customers satisfaction. And its Risk to incentivizing them frequently when they miss they can treat you negatively.

    2 Replies
  • Put the high target for the project. And train the contract teachers and even we know that they have only 1 year contract

    3 Replies
  • The risk I'm willing to take, us to go out of my way and advocate for Pediatrics and Adolescents living with HIV, to improve their standard of living and overall wellbeing. So that their medical results will improve more than it is now.

    2 Replies
  • We have been building an education center in the slums of Nakuru, Kenya for years now. First the elementary school with 8 classrooms, then the kindergarten with 3 classrooms, a modern school kitchen and dining / multi-purpose hall, an admin building with offices, a day clinic and a library. Every single step of the way was a risk-taking situation. The government is very strict with private schools - even if they are for free education. Our present project is to build a vocational training college at the center. We began construction of the first classroom/workshop just last month - but by the time the construction had reached the height to build the roof I said "WAIT", we don't have much space left at the center - what if we built a second floor so that instead of just 4 different trades, we can have 8?! At first people thought I was crazy until I told them of the future "safety net" of being able to earn funds for the center's upkeep by way of serving the public with the different trades. For example the tailors will not only be learning how to sew - they will be making the mandatory uniforms for our school children and other school - dresses and other clothing for people who cannot sew themselves or repair clothing. The same with the hairdressers, welders, carpenters, car mechanics, etc. NO RISK - NO GAIN!

    1 Reply
  • I think it's more than that actually. It's a matter of having intuitive and ingenious ideas and and carrying them out with the insurance of a safety net.

  • I think you are right to want to get and give feedback. Must it only be complaints though? Wouldn't asking your customers for their positive and negative feedback even more of a safety net than supposing your customers have reason to complain from the very beginning? I often send an e-mail of positive feedback to a firm because I know how I feel when complimented. By sending a simple e-mail to the owner of the bakery at my supermarket telling them how friendly their personnel is, I have reaped smiles and an extra cookie whenever I go there now! Give HONEY and get sweet tea in return!

  • Training teachers is training for the future. Even if they only stay for the one-year contract period, their training will not only bring them further - it will enhance the education of all of their pupils.

  • We all know that you can achieve anything in case you don't take risk to further develop the actions and objectives of the business.

  • I intend for my organization to scale up by adding another program to the already existing one. This program i know will have great impact and will attract great attention. But our problem is the fund. The risk is to sacrifice implementing it and trusting that it's success would attract support and donors.

    1 Reply
  • This is obviously a great initiative.
    The vision is clear. Just ensure that respect and trust are at the center of the game.

  • Implementation of Sexual Reproductive Health in the rural community where it is hard to reach is very challenging due to some cultural behaviors.
    To introduce how a rape survival can report a case to the health workers in the health facilities, and the way how people can protect themselves from sexual transmitted diseases by using condoms, it is a big risks because the community will take it as you are exposing their children to exercise the adultery activities.
    The health worker has to take that risks for the community have knowledge on preventives measures.

  • I would be willing to take up a project of introducing solar systems as an alternative source of energy that would replace electricity in my country. I know we only have a monopoly power supply which needs a lower or less expensive alternative. So this pilot project would start with farmers and households in mkushi district of my country. I can try bringing on board the rural electrification authority to help with educating and sensitizing the villagers in my area.

  • As an organisation, we incorporated the services of voluntary workers within our system, and offered on the job training. The inherent risk was poor service delivery and corruption as voluntary workers do not get any remuneration. This was managed through close supervision and motivation such as securing job openings for the volunteers among our stakeholders.

    2 Replies
  • That is true, no man can stand alone, we need each other to be strong and to go far.

  • As protectors of property and life, one's life is always in danger but training, defensive equipment and teamwork help mitigate this risk.

  • I am willing to allow other coaches into my platform and teaching method in order to make my project work out, although they might try to copyright it. I believe that are actually a useful source of knowledge and can bring great ideas to develop the education project further, so, I am willing to give it a shot by taking further precautions.

    1 Reply
  • the risk has to be well thought out, knowing what you can lose, and win, pondering everything.

  • For sure, you are more than right.

  • For sure, you are more than right.

  • For sure, you are more than right!

  • Over time in my organization I have realized a culture which I found within the company when I joined over three years. The use of monetary resource or incentives (pay a little more) to get desired results, much as it goes against the ethical marketing standards of my occupation. Just like the "Mr. Fix It", previously described. The idea of buying prescriptions by biasing medical personnel towards your product line. The trouble is other line managers and some staff in top management believed this as a normal trend since the rest of competition was/is doing the same.
    However, adopting this practice in marketing so as to generate sales is not sustainable because the Medical Personnel or other interest groups at hand may not really understand the value of the product being fronted to them in exchange for monetary gain. Also with time I have realized this in turn affects the company's profit margins as it stretches the marketing budget.
    However, on contrary I have introduced a model which I intend to continue pursing. The creation of sustainable for our line of product will in turn into sustainable sales. I am willing to offset the old principles while preserving ethical standards. By providing technical information or selling the features and benefits of our products creates a continued desire in our stakeholders or customers. I have also piloted new strategies such as offering free Personal Development Programs(PDPs), investing in CSR projects to harness a better and sustainable relationship works better. It's a risk worth undertaking as it aligns the company's objectives.

  • This is great initiative and challenge. I suggest you also work with other peers in understanding the scope or magnitude of the risk you are undertaking. Working with social community groups might actually even out your work

  • In order for me to take my organization for its advancement mission, I will have to do a lot of awareness speaking to all groups regardless as I will bear in mind that empowering can go along way.
    Knowing the benefits, even some won't take it onboard, some will always will but there is someone out there waiting for this opportunity and they will grab it with both hands

  • I would suggest you have to be clear about kind of volunteers you want to take on and train...The risks are far greater and the expectations too are greater... When getting volunteers on board, outline the job description and define the role clearly as you might have someone who is illiterate, or over qualified and poses as being illiterate, or an interview to someone's insights about how your organization is and what it does.. Potential Safety net- Always know yourself. what you want to achieve, what you want to impart and to your volunteers and know what risks you have taken and you know what risks you are expecting..

  • Thinking of starting off our own organization with end to end, result based solutions in a transparent, collaborative way so that it can comply with the sustainable development goals.

    1 Reply
  • If you have ambitious goals and want to make a difference, you will have to manage risk in a bold yet intelligent way. This is the essence of Rule 7: No Risk, No Gain.

  • I risk I would take is to reduce the size of the organization (an NGO), to focus more on quality rather than quantity.

    2 Replies
  • This is a very good idea. Volunteering programs allow to cut costs, but on the other hand they involve a trade-off in terms of quality. Thus creating a performance monitoring system and combining it with the incentive of possible job opportunities it is a very good strategy to cope with the downsides of the risk taken.

  • I will take a risk by starting and implementing a collaborative research between my institution and higher education institutions (HEIs). This iv very important in order to share both financial, material, as well as human resources with our partners, and will eventually produce standard findings having, personal, institutional, national, and international scientific relevance. So far research collaboration remains less successful since Ethiopian partner institutions fail to share specially financial resources, so researches having the same objectives are conducted by different partners in a unorganized ways. Therefore, we used to produce less impactful findings across institutions where we fail to solve societal problems in an integrated way.

    1 Reply
  • Putting a wider target for your project is a very good attempt to achieve more and better finish the life lines. Giving trainings for teachers is a widely accepted scenario if a given community is committed to develop a responsible generations in future. However, you can have better specific issues that you can have a chance to take a risk for achieving your organizational goal working with your team and partners.

  • When you decide to take a risk reducing the structure of the existing organization you may come up with loss of the basic establishment goals of that organization, you may lose important mandates of the organization, potential stakeholders might also be lost, the most important thing you are expected to decline employees which requires a careful handling of legal right and contract close up issues, demanding huge payments to finalize such deals.
    Therefore, rather than taking a risk to decline the organizational goals and objectives better to look for best strategies having minimum risks.

  • The most important thing and generally in leadership and specifically in life is first to lead ourselves. However, unfortunately most of us fail to manage that, is there any advice and practical life skill experiences to enable individuals to lead themselves first before leading others.

  • maximizing value for patients: that is, achieving the best outcomes at the lowest cost. We must move away from a supply-driven health care system organized around what physicians do and toward a patient-centered system organized around what patients need. We must shift the focus from the volume and profitability of services provided—physician visits, hospitalizations, procedures, and tests—to the patient outcomes achieved

  • One of the risks that I would be willing to take for my organization in order to advance on a mission is the low coverage of children exposed to HIV associated with the bad qualities of the data collected.

  • One of the risks that I would be willing to take for my organization in order to advance on a mission is the low coverage of children exposed to HIV associated with the bad qualities of the data collected.

  • One potential risk while working on policy advocacy is being recognise as adversial of the government. It is very important to be strategic to choose the policy makers and one has to ensure that during this course we are not limiting ourselves to criticise what is ongoing rather try to make it complimentary. It is also good to find senators from ruiling as well as opposition parties so that one shouldn't be considered as politically inflicted with one of the parties.

  • One potential risk while working on policy advocacy is being recognise as adversial of the government. It is very important to be strategic to choose the policy makers and one has to ensure that during this course we are not limiting ourselves to criticise what is ongoing rather try to make it complimentary. It is also good to find senators from ruiling as well as opposition parties so that one shouldn't be considered as politically inflicted with one of the parties.

  • Our organization might take the risk of enlarging our network to include countries other than those that are part the MENA region. Although our main target is to work with and impact people from the MENA region, including people from other countries would increase the number of our audiences, and as a result, make our project grow bigger.

  • The risk lies in the fact that our project is centered around certain countries, but I believe that spreading our impact over a larger paradigm would bring us more advantages than possibly disadvantages.

  • I'm willing to invest on human capital development (training etc) and marketing in order to place my company higher in the future.

  • Giving my time and skills to achieve impact

  • The potential risk I am willing to take is temporary unemployment. As I am striving to establish my own company, I have to resign from the current job. This is because as per the regulation of Ministry of Construction of Ethiopia, it is mandatory to resign the job I have been paid before establishing the company of my dream.
    So, I may a little bit be without income. I may not find project immediately after the establishment of my dream company. So, these are the risks I have to achieve my life goal.

  • Dear BRIQUE, it is good endeavor.

  • I am willing to risk partnering with as many bodies with access to entrepreneurs as possible so that the goals of the program I am administering and other programs of the organisation can be achieved

  • Each and every person has got their own story or challenges. hence we need to tell our own story without undermining that of the other as we may not understand the weight it has on that person.

  • Accessing funding can be a bottleneck for some of the projects we plan to take as an organization. What I do is that when we prepare the budget we make sure to make our budget very cost efficient. This is to ensure that potential funders are not scared away and the project is carried out seamlessly.

  • By going out to get a survey on the business, economical and poverty level of the country. Doing a research to produce a curriculum for the teaching of entrepreneurs.

  • The risk would be going to a religious community to address the men and women on the dangers of genital mutilation.

  • By going out to get a survey on the business, economical and poverty level of the country. Doing a research to produce a curriculum for the teaching of entrepreneurs.

  • By going out to get a survey on the business, economical and poverty level of the country. Doing a research to produce a curriculum for the teaching of entrepreneurs.

  • The purpose of this story is to drive people towards being empathetic and to showcase the fact that people are going through their own challenges and milestones in life.

  • humanitarian projects are sometimes most dangerous project that anyone work on. for the past three years our organization Samawade has been encountering several risks about community mobilizations. every time we try to implement and beneficiary project we have encountered obstacles regarding the race and the clans of the people are trying to assist with projects.
    some places their leaders are not intelligent enough to participate in the project and they will try to jeopardize the executions and try to enforce improper laws and regulations that has no place in the constitution. lot of time is been waste by resolving those issues therefore, in order for the project to continue we try to use different approach to deal with the obstacles including using third part conflict resolver, governmental interference, police security and so on. working in the areas where war broken down has it is own risk and as Samawade we always prioritize people who experience war trauma and in need for humanitarian assistance.

  • I truly believe in no risk no gain. Best opportunities come through a hardest situation.

  • I truly believe in no risk no gain. Best opportunities come through a hardest situation.

  • I can take the risk of marketing our programmes and talking to people about it so that a good number of participants can be reach for the training.

  • This is a brilliant vision, but don't forget to ask the important questions of 'What if'. That will make the goals of the vision more clearer.

  • A risk I will like to take for my organisation is conducting TB test for covid19 patients to improve our case finding.

    Thank you.

  • I would invest more in young people . To contribute to my vision of National impact. Since they are the future

  • my organization focuses basically on the representation of the girl child and women generally in court. this time we don't want to wait for them to come to us rather we will be taking the risk of suing the offenders on their behalf and getting the government involved to foster the girl child laws so that the girl child don't have to live in fear of the unknown.

  • it is imperative for your organization to worry about funding but trust me, when your have your goals and objective straight you will see support from likeminded organizations and individual. cheers

  • Scaling up is a huge risk to take as a social enterprise. However, it can increase the social enterprise impact based on its operational model to satisfy demand for relevant product or services.

  • That is a very good idea. Note that ideas can always be patented for copyright purposes.

  • No risk , No gain. I am willing to take the risk of engaging high qualified employees in my team.

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