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  • Data Management technology is very important for enhancing data security.It important to be equipped with IT skills to be able to modify and fix data management tools rather than totally relying on external experts who sometimes may be too expensive to be hired.

  • Use of data analysis software

  • Data Management technology must be mastered to evoid disagrement and lot of problem

  • Hello Im gretchen, looking forward to learn something about how to manage data storing, organizing and access.

  • Hello Im gretchen, looking forward to learn something about how to manage data storing, organizing and access.

  • It will be expensive to hire consultant, but your project have big pool of data maybe you need to consider it. Factor in the cost to your project management cost.

  • Data Management technology must be mastered to evoid disagrement and lot of problem

  • It will be expensive to hire consultant, but your project have big pool of data maybe you need to consider it. Factor in the cost to your project management cost.

  • Course Facilitator

    It's better to have data management technology which will lead to a better evaluation but some of the organizations don't understand how important it is and they don't consider this as an important element to rely on because it often requires a separately budget.

  • Hello Im gretchen, looking forward to learn something about how to manage data storing, organizing and access.

  • Data management technology is very important for the storage of data but is often overlooked by many organization, especially digital data storage

    The storing of data is helpful in keeping track of how your project is performing

  • Data managment is all about storing ,organizing and managment using technology

  • DATA MANAGEMENT TECHNOLOGY is very usefully in currently OPERATION in every organisations.We need to have competence STAFFS and mostly DATA SECURITY must be obeyed.

  • I strongly agree that relying on external IT processes is not ideal for the Organization. People in the Organization have to be trained so that data management processes can be done internal.

  • IT is the most advanced tool in data management,
    is stored information collected,
    also analyze the data store,
    can be easily determined by the amount and percentage of information obtained.
    the system help the data collection and data management teams,
    the system data management is use process can access different people on different place. and they can act same questions or same data.

  • il est nécessaire de comprendre les outils d'analyse et de collecte des données pour pouvoir générer une base de données indemne de biais

  • il est nécessaire de comprendre les outils d'analyse et de collectte des données pour pouvoir générer une base de données indemne de biais

  • We are using spreadsheet, oracle and web based systems for data management. However, no one from the staff member clearly understand the oracle system.

  • Data management technology will help in order to collect, oranized and store data for future use without any complications.

  • Data management technology will help in order to collect, oranized and store data for future use without any complications.

  • Data management is the process and systems of storage, access , manipulate data. Every organization that deals with data has to have a system or a software of managing data. It is important so as to have access to the data and protect the integrity of the data including users and participants" privacy.
    The technology in use should be simple and easy to interact with by the users.

  • Data management technology is system and process of storage, organizing and accessing data using Information Techonlogy (IT). IT ranges from simple one such as excel spreadsheet to complex one. Digital way of storing data has several advantages such as;
    Data can be viewed by several people simultanous
    Easy to store and analyse
    Easy to reorganize

  • Why you just copied and pasted?

  • I support your comments

  • Over time, technologies change and data sets become more complex. As data becomes both larger and more strategic, businesses need data management solutions that can meet a wide range of purposes.
    Data management tools also need to reduce the cost and complexity of data storage, archiving and compliance while ensuring high data availability and optimal performance for IT systems.

  • There are wide range of IT available for storing, organizing and accessing data such as Excel, Microsoft SQL server, Oracle database, Oracle cloud, MySQL

  • I have heard about data collection tools like ODK. Who knows this tool and how it is used?

    1 Reply
  • Digital methods of managing data have numerous advantages including easily accessed, but it also required to train members of your staff, how to modify and fix data , just incase of emergency.

  • having IT supporter is very essential to organization. it is also important for any organization to train its members on how to use the current technology

  • Proper data management is very essential in project success...

  • very true. and the organization must ensure that it has staff in its structure who are specialized in this field...

  • it would also be a quick way for the funders to track the progress of the project...

  • Since M&E must have a 5-10% share of a project's budget, maybe increasing that share to 15% would help cover for data management systems...

  • Even if online data management systems are not free, some are and can be very useful for a budding NGO...

  • In the initial stages, it may be expensive but with time, the costs reduce to maintenance and the like...

  • Data Management Technology is a powerful tool in Data management at it helps in the collection, organizing, assessing and managing data. The Data Management Technology can store more Data than using paper, it reduces the labor involved in data management. Data can be easily accessed from anywhere, downloaded anywhere and displayed in various form understandable to many users. It however comes with risks, especially if the storage media is attacked by viruses, or hardware gets damaged. The Data Management Technology can be expensive and the reliance on other people for maintenance pauses another risk as the sensitive data can five it self in wrong hands, hence compromising on confidentiality. The other challenge can be on the Data Technology Management users. if they competence levels is low, the management of data will not be to a set standard.

  • If I don't have internal and external support about data management what can I do

  • I think it is more easy to manage data nowadays. But it has many risks.

  • Data Management Technology is the key issue in all sectors due to security, accessibility of data, application and communication.

  • Technology is the real aspect in data field today.

  • Data Management Technology is the key of data Management, without it things goes wrong at any point.
    Knowing the technology of data and how to manage it enables the organization to do proper management of data from collection to uses.

  • Having someone hired outside of your organization to manage every bit and piece of your data system has a lot of serious disadvantages. What if this can't be reached in a particular time frame and you suddenly need this information to share with donors and partners? Your organization will be heading to destruction because of lack of knowledge right?

  • In every data management system, the issues of security matters a lot. Someone out there could just compromise your coded information.

  • Having specialize members of your team who have basic knowledge in data management technology is vital to how secure your data will be.

  • There are many factors that need to be considered when deciding on a data management system. Need to consider who needs to access the data and when, tools available, cost, legalities, etc.

  • This is an important Aspect in Monitoring and Evaluation the success of the project entirely depends on the quality of the data

  • Data Management technology is simple tool for storing data is a spreadsheet, it is digital table with software like microsoft like excel SQL Server, oracle database, mySQL and cloud

    1 Reply
  • Data management is an important activity that your team should insist on having a hands on approach to ensure that there is no gap in the know-how. All the staff, if possible should be trained and have access into ways of managing, processing and organizing data.

  • Data Management Technology is the technology used in managing data. Data can be managed using digital tools or analog (non digital) tools. Example of digital tools are; Spreadsheets, Microsoft SQL, Oracle Database etc. Some digital tools like Microsoft SQL can be assessed by multiple users who have the right software and access rights. This however are more expensive to use because of the cost of software, updates, trainings, etc.

  • Database storage is highly efficient for managing information collected from the field

  • The simplest tool for storing data in data management technology is the spreadsheet.

    Advantages of digital data management:

    • Data can be added or accessed from the database from almost anywhere as long as the person has the hardware, software and permissions to do so.
    • Data can be easily accessed by many people at the same time
    • Data can be reorganized ie. sorted and organized easily using the system.
    • Data can be easily analyzed directly on the software or exported from the software to other data analysis software.


    • Expensive to:
    1. purchase and install hardware, software, updates and fix problems
    2. when external consultants are hired for the support of the system, the organization would have to pay them as well as train internal staff how to use, modify and fix the data management tool.
    • If IT consultants used, there is a risk of problems being fixed on time and probably not understanding the organizations needs
    • Can be complicated to use - requires technical skills
    • If not implemented carefully can risk the security of the data
  • Many data infrastructures are designed for storage and extract data according the need of the organization. However, M&E team must have strong skills in data querying and extraction

  • yes to technology for data collection but also yes to staff training. for example one of our colleagues created a powerful data collection tool, however, he was the only one to master the tool. when the latter resigned, the platform was no longer functional. often the output database contains errors and bugs. That's why it's really important to train team in charged oh monitoring database.

  • I think that data management is a big broad topic to be addressed and for me the most important aspect for data management using digital methods is the risk of losing or breaking out the amount of data and becoming available to other users who might put the people of whom you collect data under risk. that's why I believe that data management has to be done through more variable methods both digitally and of papers kind.

    • list item
  • data storage and management is associated with information technology available for storing ,organizing and accessing data

  • Data management technology is very important because, Data can be uploaded and downloaded from nearly anywhere. Any person with the right software, hardware and account permissions can add new data or access existing data.
    Data can be easily accessed. Unlike data on a sheet of paper, the same data can be accessed by multiple people simultaneously.
    Data can be reorganized. All database solutions, whether they are a simple Excel spreadsheet or more complex software, allow you to sort and organize your data easily.
    Data can be prepared for data analysis. Some data storage and management systems allow you to do data visualization and analysis directly in the software. Others make it easy to export data to data analysis software.

  • Data management technology is important because data can be easily accessed, data can be re organized, data can be prepared for data analysis, and also data can be uploaded and downloaded from nearly anywhere

    1 Reply
  • Is it strictly important to hire data consultants ,if yes how did those consultants add value to existing.

  • Incase an organization doesn't have several people or a team who are comfortable using technology ,you should consider starting with simple physical data management systems to avoid complications which may result to risking the security of the data

  • With the use of IT, we are able to operate a proper data management system. Especially, if we have to deal with a large amount of data with our M & E system, we would require relevant data management technology. However, the use such technology comes with both pros and corns. First of all, it could be quite expensive for the organization. If it is not planned and managed well, it could have the adverse affect on the data management process. Thus, we should be prepared not to rely on too much on the IT support for the data management. In the situation it is a must to maintain technology-based data base, it would be best for the organization's staff to have essential skills and knowledge to operate this effectively and in a cost-efficient way.

  • can IT specialist is needed for Data management

  • it is generally easier to train your staff in slightly more complex data management technological systems when your staff in an organization have basic understanding of simpler IT systems such as Microsoft Office Pack.

  • Data management technology is nowadays easy and evolving due to advance technological knowhows. The obstacle could be whether the project team knows how to use the new technology for storing, organizing and accessing data.
    The problem with such technology is that it keeps developing every time to a new one which will call for some sort of training to be able to effectively use it properly.
    Some of such training will lead to financial burden for the institution or the staff who will need such training to keep up with the modern system for data the management technology. However, it is in the best interest of the organization to develop its data management technology to attract new contracts from clients.

  • Data Management technology helps us have a consistent, accurate and secure data that can be used accross an organization

  • Data stored in spreadsheets makes it easier for it to be accessed and prepares for data analysis directly in the software that the data is stored in.

  • Information technology plays a key role in data storage and management. As compare to analog procedures of data management in M&E, IT provides the digital ways through which data can be effectively managed and use.

  • Data management technology is essential to have accurate and timely data, especially when projects are complex and have to manage a large amount of data. Also, data management technology facilitate faster data retrieval and storage.

  • I agreed with your comments. Data management technology is essential and critical to have an updated an accurate MEAL system.

  • @knoxxsammed said in Module 3: Data Management Technology:

    Is it strictly important to hire data consultants ,if yes how did those consultants add value to existing.

    @knoxxsammed said in Module 3: Data Management Technology:

    Is it strictly important to hire data consultants ,if yes how did those consultants add value to existing.

    If you do not have the specialists in your organization, you will need to hire them, the add value of the consultants is that they will recommend with technology better suits your organization and help to set up the system. However, it is also important that part of the consultancy should be also to train staff to keep maintaining the system.

  • By the way using digital system currently spread through the world, the current situation effluence the organization to use this digital data system. The question is that low income country like my country can afford the cost for expert, software, hardware as well as updating of this software in all implemented area. So difficult to cover each cost. But still some organization using this method in our country eventhough not commonly distribute this technology throughout the country's region.

  • Data management refers to the systems and processes for storing, organizing and accessing data.

  • I have some level of expertise on ODK.

  • For organization data management technology , will suggest the use of both internal and external support for internal support the personnel's are readily available but still requires more training to get to the level of getting external support (consultant). Also once the internal staff have grown to the level of a consultant, organizations should always be fair of retaining them and develop relationship that the staff wouldn't want to leave the organization because the external support atimes are not readily available and also expensive to maintain.

  • Data management is the right way to maintain sensitive information where by the system or database is restricted only to specific users within the organisation so this will minimize data licking.

    1 Reply
  • Data management is key. From data storage, organizing and accessing. mostly done digitally. Most common for data management is the spreadsheet. eg. Microsoft Excel.

  • When it comes to using technology in data management, there should be enough caution since there is a high risk in the digital world. It is necessary to have a good team that will be able to handle all the issues at hand.

  • Data management is system of storing and accessing data .This ensures how data is collected kept and even processed.

    1 Reply
  • Although technology can be very useful it also has some disadvantages.

  • Digital ways are more reliable in storing, accessing, organizing and analysing data although it requires some technical skills.

  • Data management can be very costly especially if you are to hire a consultant. I would recommend every organization to have their own IT personnel

  • IT plays a critical role in reducing the work load of data being collected and managed in an organisation. Using modern technology in data management means that data can be easily recorded and retrieved whenever its needed. The data can also be accessed remotely by anyone who has the relevant permissions to do so.
    The main disadvantage of using technology in data management is that the data is prone to security issues

  • IT plays a critical role in reducing the work load of data being collected and managed in an organisation. Using modern technology in data management means that data can be easily recorded and retrieved whenever its needed. The data can also be accessed remotely by anyone who has the relevant permissions to do so.
    The main disadvantage of using technology in data management is that the data is prone to security issues

  • when using technology tools , it is better to hire a permanent staff who is in charge of database , that person is useful and should be the who have to train other staff on the system and he is the one who have to work with external consultant when needed

  • data management

  • data management

  • It is very necessary to have skills in technology

  • It is very necessary to have skills in technology

    1 Reply
  • Data management technologue is a critical element in the M&E global implementation strategy. As présentée, it"s clear that thé better M&E plan will conduct to nothing if infrastructure for well dealing with data fails

    1 Reply
  • Data management system refers to the system and processes for storing, organizing and accessing data.

  • It is very crucial thing in M&E process.

  • For Data management it is essentials to have knowledge of IT or officers should go for training about the data management

  • It is very essential to get the staff trained on the data management so as to be sure that everyone can access and use the data.

  • another issue prone here is the data security

  • Yeah though it is very expensive

  • With the advent of technology, M&E has also employed the use of technology to manage data. technologies such as E

  • Regarding data management, it is important, because data is expensive, so a statistic must also know how some databases work, how to handle it so as not to spend too much to hire an IT consultant. So I can then that the statistic is related to IT. When we work as data analyzes and also have to work as a computer scientist for the knowledge of the management of different database languages ​​such as: Mysql, Oracle, Database. For me it is really useful to know how to work in Information Technology (IT). A firm that does not manage its data well will end up losing its customers for the confidentiality of its data.

  • Exactly, it is not only a sheet it is also a database designed for example SQL server, Oracle and Mysql. So we are called to know how to manipulate these languages ​​so as not to have too many gaps in the management of our.

  • Data management technology is also an element for the conservation of the archives of essential data made for the rectification, modification and reference of other studies. It also helps us to do the M&E plan well in our data structure projects and to create a dataset.

  • With the advent of technology, M&E has employed the use of technology in managing data. technologies such as Excel, MicrosoftSQL etc. In some instances, they might be expensive to use. However, the advantages completely outweighs the disadvantages. It is advised that a member of the M&E team have knowledge of the use of the used technology that is in some instances where the storage is contracted to an external company.

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