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  • Number 1 point in any project. I would say even more – communication is the driving force in great majority of situations that happen in the world. It is very important to have a constant talk with each member. Thus a manager gets ongoing feedback, updates colleagues and simply shows that he is not a boss with tough management style, but a leader who can discuss even yesterdays’ TV-show.

    2 Replies
  • One thing I find most important is articulating assumptions and pre-conditions. I have been writing this in project proposals but never gone back to review this.

    2 Replies
  • An implementation plan based on faulty assumptions is not likely to bring about the desired goal. This statement is important in that, while developing a pathway of change, one has to pay critical attention to the assumptions if the project desired goal is to be achieved.

    1 Reply
  • "There is much, much more detail to add in order to tell the full story, and without being reminded of that (a few times), participants may find it difficult to focus on outcomes at this stage of the process." Although this sentence is about developing a pathway of change, I think it is an important reminder for the whole process. In my experience many people want to dive into the details, or to completely flesh out an answer to a question. However in order to get the most important pieces of the puzzle down in whatever time is allocated, it is important to remind people that this doesn't need to be the perfect, most complete or detailed view right now. I like to ask whether resolving this point will significantly change the rest of our answer - if not, we can safely park it until later.

  • What evidence will we use to measure the preconditions. This concept is important because it is telling participants in the theory of change process to identify indicators that will show the success of their outcomes

    1 Reply
  • In other words, after participating in the theory building process, all of the stakeholders should be on the same page about what they are trying to accomplish, the early and intermediate outcomes that must be reached to be successful, how all of the outcomes will be measured, and what actions they are going to have to take to bring all of this change about.italicised text

    It is important for the theory building process to be participatory so that everyone involved will take ownership of the results of the process. The implementation of the theory of change will be a shared responsibility of everyone involved as well as their shared accountability.

    2 Replies
  • one two three four

  • " It may seem obvious that everyone in the planning group understands that they are working toward the same long-term outcome but you (and the participants!) will soon see that this is not always the case". To me this sentence seems useful and share it with the rest of the course.
    All those stakeholders, who participate in process of developing ToC must having same level of understanding, clarity, because without this it will not possible to come up with reliable, realistic and achievable ToC. Related to this, the other planning aspects that are related with the development of ToC process: Pathways, Pre-conditions, interventions, and indicators (to measure outcome) would not be possible to develop. And to me the implementing a process of ToC development to be on a same page in itself a entire process of change that will occur in form of reshaping of experiences, beliefs, embrace adoptability, and acceptance of ideas that are new to us. And once the uniform understanding once achieved then this will act as a "domino effect".

  • This idea of the pathway of change map only showing the relationship among nouns is a helpful articulation of how the wording in a pathway of change should be in order to have the ToC focus on the relationship among results/outcomes/accomplishments. This is definitely something I struggle with explaining - where I personally know how to construct the ToC in this way but then I struggle explaining this to others. To me, it's needed because it's these results/outcomes that are actually measurable.

  • Sentence selected is "it is important to remind the group that a plausible chain of events leading up to “Children are
    Why this concept is important is, in the process of identifying indicators it is very necessary to think critically to be able to identify a plausible chain of events leading up to the longterm outcome set by the group, i have found the example given to illustrate the importance of this concept in the example below very interesting and an eye opener to how to identify indicators(we need to recognize between concept and tools), excripted from the document,

    Let’s assume that the group working on school readiness has identified “All children are healthy at age five” as a precondition to school readiness in their pathway of change. We have seen folks mistakenly point to concepts like
    “Children have adequate nutrition” or “Children get all immunizations” as indicators of the child health precondition. In situations like this, it is important to remind the group that a plausible chain of events leading up to “Children are
    healthy” would include immunizations and good nutrition as preconditions, meaning that these two achievements would have to occur before children can be healthy. Since this is true, these two concepts would not make good indicators of the “All children are healthy at age five” concept. A better indicator of child health might be the percentage of kids who have a healthy height/weight ratio; the average number of days out of school due to illness; or the prevalence of asthma or other preventable childhood illnesses in the group.

    Brainstorming is a collaboration and important for your team to have to have found that the easiest way to reach a consensus on the various dimensions captured by a long-term goal is to allow the group to brainstorm about it for twenty minutes and then begin the process of constructing the definition of the long-term goal from the results of the brainstorming.

  • "The final point to drive home is that the process used to create the map is “backwards mapping.”"

    The above sentence really stood out for me because it focuses on beginning with an end in mind. That way, one is not merely creating a mirror but rather an actual achievable target.

  • I agree as this also happens to me. Breaking the big vision into outcomes and preconditions really helps to justify the contribution of each project activity to the grand vision

  • Shows all the different pathways that might lead to change, even if those pathways are not related to your program.

  • "Theory of Change is a method that a community group can use to think critically about what is required to bring about a desired social change."
    To create every change in society, we need detailed actions to think to reach our goal.

  • A theory of change explains how a group of early and intermediate accomplishments sets the stage for producing long-range results.

    This is useful to me because this sentence explains in common terms what a theory of chane is all about

  • Under step 2, which is Creating an outcome map, there is this this sentence: 'The pathway map alone cannot tell the whole story of a program theory, but we use it as a skeleton on which successive waves of detail can be added to create a compelling theory of change.' In most cases, people think the pathway of change is the entire theory of change, which is not. This sentence or concept is key because other parts of a theory of change include; long-term outcome (impact), intermediate outcomes (preconditions), interventions (activities), indicators, and assumptions...

  • this is actually key as other members may have better views of going about something

  • adding on, when selecting assumptions; explain how a certain precondition can bring about a certain change, and how a set of preconditions can lead to the overall outcome, they can also come from the social science field, and the local conditions of a certain adopted assumption must be borne in mind...

  • it is actually possible that a project may put up millions of dollars into a certain activity, only for them to be unable to measure how much change they have achieved...

  • "Even if groups don’t get all of it right, the rigorous thinking required can’t help but improve program planning, implementation, and evaluation"

    This statement is very encouraging. It means that even if the theory of change process is not perfect the effort is worthwhile.

  • "This is not the time to get into the nitty-gritty details of the project" - I find it important to be reminded not to be dragged into endless discussions that will not help build the theory of change.

  • For me, the sentence most useful is "the indicator is the concept or idea that will be used to determine success—how it is actually measured is another thing entirely. " Because to measure an impact, negative or positive is very important and some times, difficult.

  • I am agree with you. The participation is very important, and all the team members must share the responsibility.

  • he Aspen Institute Roundtable on Community Change developed an approach to help community builders create the most robust theories of change possible. This guide is designed for planners and evaluators who are going to facilitate a process for creating a theory of change with community-based programs and community change initiatives.

    Section One answers the question “What is a theory of change?”. It provides all the information needed to facilitate a theory of change process with a community group. This section

    reviews the major concepts that define theories of change;
    provides important background information for facilitators before they enter a planning session; and
    offers practical guidance for facilitating planning sessions.
    Section Two is a resource toolbox for the theory of change facilitator. It includes

    a case study to show a portion of a finished theory of change;
    a list of materials to bring to a planning session;
    a participants list that suggests the ideal composition of a theory of change building team for a community-based program or initiative;
    a glossary that could be distributed at the training sessions;

  • Often at this stage, folks will limit their thinking by bringing up only ideas related to the data they have access to, and consequently limit the power of this step in the theory building process by mismatching outcomes to indicators.

    This is a sentence that I think is very important and in our workshop I'd very much like to avoid this.

  • The Community Builder’s Approach to
    Theory of Change is a method that
    a community group can use to think
    critically about what is required to bring about
    a desired social change. It is a process
    designed to depict how a complex change
    initiative will unfold over time. It creates an
    illustration of all the various moving parts
    that must operate in concert to bring about a
    desired outcome.

  • It may seem obvious that everyone in the planning group understands that they are working toward the same long-term outcome but you (and the participants!) will soon see that this is not always the case.

    This sentence makes sense to me since I often experience the disagreement in developing expected outcomes in projects/programs that I evaluated/monitored.

  • "Identifying indicators and making them fully operational is often the most difficult task in the theory of change process. Often, the difference between an indicator and a measure of that indicator confuses participants. For example, participants may suggest that a particular survey instrument is the indicator and may not understand that indicators are concepts and surveys are just one way to measure a given concept."
    I choose this sentence because, I think that it is particularly important to learn how to formulate good indicators to measure the project achievement at all levels. From my experience, choosing good indicators is a common difficulty that the teams face when they are writing a project. A poorly indicators formulation jeopardizes an accurate evaluation of the project. Often, based on the established indicators, the assessment of the results achieved fall short of what the project really achieved. This happens when indicators are poorly formulated and are not appropriate for measuring the range of changes that the project achieved. Vanda Medeiros

  • Articulate assumptions

  • Articulate assumptions

  • "So they (the facilitator) should be ready to show participants how their thinking about how to reach goals will be greatly improved by unpacking large goals into smaller components."

    I think that the art and practice of simplicity - of breaking difficult tasks into their smaller components is seriously underrated among many of the non-profits with which I have worked. There is too much emphasis placed on 'thinking' or 'acting' smart, which is unfortunately equivocated with using big words and introducing/reflecting on complex concepts. I believe this is a problem because- at the end of the day - non-profits are in the business of providing services to people and that has to be done in a way that is easily understood by everyone in that equation (i.e., the direct providers, the clients, the supervisors, organizational leadership, program managers, communications, etc.). The simpler the terms, the more there is a chance of a shared understanding of the whole process.

  • Short, sweet and to the point.

  • "When a theory of change is built around the wrong assumptions about the local context or environment, even the most elaborate pathway of change can fall apart once they are brought to light."

    The importance of context and environment in any theory, particular a theory of change that seeks to bring about any change in that context or environment, must be accurate in its assumptions/assessment to work. For example, if a community is working to change access to healthcare or raise the socio-economic status of its population and public transportation to healthcare facilities or employment centers is critical to bringing about that change, a flawed analysis of the current status of the public transportation system could have deep implications for the success of the plan in bringing about the desired change.

  • Yes, keeping the program participatory is key to success.

  • Determine the long-term outcome
    Create a pathway of change
    Operationalize outcomes
    Define interventions
    Articulate assumptions

  • La teoría del cambio es una herramienta de gestión porque muestra cuanto se debe trabajar para alcanzar la meta, teniendo en cuenta los recursos y el tiempo disponible

  • "Vague outcome statements lead to fuzzy thinking about what needs to be done to reach them". I found this statement thought provoking because if we do not come up with a clear outcome statement then we will not define our goals and how to achieve them

  • Outcomes are made operational by defining indicators that suggest how much, for whom, and when the outcome is to be realized. It is important to keep this standard of success in mind when the interventions are being planned so that they have a high enough intensity to bring about the desired effect.
    This concept is so important as by doing so this avoids implementing mistakes. and the resources allocated, the inputs bring the desired impact.

  • assumptions may surface throughout this process ... It may make sense to keep a running list of assumptions ... can be used as a jumping-off point

    It is important because if we have a discussion and all voices are heard more assumptions will come up making the process stronger

  • Vague outcome statements lead to fuzzy thinking about what needs to be done to reach them. It is true as having a broad statement and unclear outcomes will lead to more gray areas. Considering the scope of the project and the commitment of the team who will help to deliver the outcome is essential to ensure that everything is aligned. Time is precious, and the interest of the people who will work for the team should be sustained. Having a specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound objectives will contribute in making better outcome.

  • We can avoid this trap by reminding participants that verbs are not allowed on the pathway of change just yet!

    In my opinion, this sentence is important because it shows the importance of setting all the points at the right time. Stating the importance of not talking about actions in this phase, can help the participant be focused on what must be decided first.

    1 Reply
  • Identifying indicators and making them fully
    operational is often the most difficult task
    in the theory of change process. Often, the
    difference between an indicator and a measure
    of that indicator confuses participants. For
    example, participants may suggest that a
    particular survey instrument is the indicator
    and may not understand that indicators are
    concepts and surveys are just one way to
    measure a given concept.

    I totally agree with this sentence, because it is one of the most common mystakes i do when trying to wrtire a TOC. I have to be careful not to confuse concepts

    1 Reply
  • Most social change agents actually work to bring about a complex set of changes that are easier to discuss with terms that are multidimensional, but the lack of clarity that arises when multidimensional concepts remain unpacked makes it harder to build a facilitating a theory of change process is difficult, but immensely rewarding work.

    I think that establishing clear, concrete and shared outcomes is important to design a real long-lasting project.

  • Most social change agents actually work to bring about a complex set of changes that are easier to discuss with terms that are multidimensional, but the lack of clarity that arises when multidimensional concepts remain unpacked makes it harder to build a facilitating a theory of change process is difficult, but immensely rewarding work.

    I think that establishing clear, concrete and shared outcomes is important to design a real long-lasting project.

  • The pathway map alone cannot tell the whole story of a program theory, but we use it as a skeleton on which successive waves of detail can be added to create a compelling theory of change

  • "A theory of change is essentially an explanation of how a group of stakeholders expects to reach a commonly understood long-term goal. " I chose this sentence because it is a nice intro explanation of the TOC.

  • "The facilitator should be strict here and not allow the team to force-fit indicators by limiting their imagination here to the data they know they already have."
    I totally agree with this sentence. Most of the time general indicators are being used, but from my point of view the specificity of a phenomenon is not taken into consideration. Of course an indicator must be SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, time-bound", but this doesn't mean that all the indicators are exploitable everywhere in the same way.
    Unfortunately also most of the donors are requiring internationally recognised indicators.

    1 Reply
  • One sentence that I found to be particularly useful is ' Often, the difference between an indicator and a measure of that indicator confuses participants.' This has succintly brought out the most common mistake novices make while attempting to design the pathway of change. While indicator is a concept, thought or idea, the indicator must be measured by a conclusive event. For example, 'Participants understand the importance of formal education' can be an indicator for which the measure can be ' Their attendance in school improves by 50% over last academic year' or ' They start using library facilities for atleast 10 hours every week' or ' The level of school dropouts reduces from 10% earlier to 4% now' . Similarly, ' Participants inculcate the habit of sports' could be a concept which can be measured through ' Improvement in BMI by minimum 10%' or 'Improvement in Agility, Balance, Coordination by minimum 15%' or ' Attending atleast 80% of scheduled sports sessions'. More quantifiable and more the number of ways of measuring the indicator , more robust will be the Pathway of Change.

  • I am unable to appreciate as to which specific sentence is being refered to from the reading.

  • Very well expressed. This is a common mistake teams make as it appears to be an easy way out rather than think up of appropriate items.

  • "When a theory of change is built around the wrong assumptions about the local context or environment, even the most elaborate pathway of change can fall apart once they are brought to light."

    I think it is particularly important to discuss and agree on the context, because the context is often very complex. It is influenced by various determinants (e.g. characteristics of the target population, regional or national policies, socio-economic factors, etc.).

  • I agree. This is really a big challenge

  • The sentence i find useful is;
    A theory of change can be thought of as an “expectation management tool” because it will clearly illustrate how much work must be done to reach a goal versus how much can realistically be done given the resources and time available.

    The concept is very important because it covers expectations, timeing and the resources available. All thses are necessary for thesmooth running of a project.

  • The sentence i find useful is;
    A theory of change can be thought of as an “expectation management tool” because it will clearly illustrate how much work must be done to reach a goal versus how much can realistically be done given the resources and time available.

    The concept is very important because it covers expectations, timing and the resources available. All these are necessary for the smooth running of a project.

  • determining the long term outcomes is always the first step in creating the theory of change

  • A particularly useful sentence from the reading

    Remember, the indicator is the concept or idea that will be used to determine success—how it is actually measured is another thing entirely.
    This is important because often, project team members confuse the measure of indicators with indicators themselves, and thus, the real evidence of success of the intervention is lost. When this happens, achieving the objectives of the project becomes problematic

  • It is really important for participants to be able to differentiate between an indicator and the measure of the indicator.

  • "Identifying indicators and making them fully operational is often the most difficult task in the theory of change process." This process is important in order to be aware that is process can request not only one day and can implies more than one person.

  • Our approach to theory of change requires
    stakeholders to be precise about the type
    of changes they want to achieve. This
    often requires participants to adhere to a
    level of conceptual clarity that they are not
    accustomed to, which is why we think it is
    necessary to have a skilled facilitator at the
    helm, managing the process.

  • Indicators is used to track progress and document success,
    This is the only way we can measure the change

  • Creating and critiquing of theory of change shows how stakeholder would look into sources of funds for the precondition

  • Creating and critiquing of theory of change shows how stakeholder would look into sources of funds for the precondition

  • “Mega-Outcomes,” which are big, complex long-term goals. which make the Theory of Change process more complicated.

  • “Mega-Outcomes,” which are big, complex long-term goals. which make the Theory of Change process more complicated.

  • A theory of change would not be complete without an articulation of the assumptions that stakeholders use to explain the change process they have envisioned. Assumptions explain both the connections between the preconditions for long-term change that occur in the early and intermediate stages of the change process, and the expectations about how and why proposed interventions will bring them about.

  • After our funders view our Theory of Change, they should understand vision, mission, objectives, outcomes and key interventions of our organization.

  • "A theory of change is essentially an explanation of how a group of stakeholders expects to reach a commonly understood long-term goal." - Partnership can help us reach our goal(s); in other words we need each other to attain our dreams.

  • The very first task of the process is often
    the easiest to take for granted.

    Because we sometime take things for granted and put us in to the state of procrastination

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