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  • Integrity is the most important principle for my life and my organization. Integrity can lead to giving and earning. Integrity can make you live in a happy life and confident.

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  • I would love to write about my family, before now i had always thought of writing down some sets of values affecting family- work, social, marriage, children, management and every other aspect. the reason for this is because as each generation phrases out the upcoming generation gets eroded by the present day challenges and loses out on wisdom of the past. I am a beneficiary of wisdom from the past because i read some classic books which also help in shaping my believe. All this boils down to sustainability as the the third part of triangular principle theory.
    Thanks, this is helping shape my ideas into some concrete.

  • The three principles Giving, Earning and Sustaining are the foundation of Omnipreneurship.

    I choose giving as a driving passion to make my life meaningful and impactful. I mix with diverse people everyday. I try to satisfy them with my services. I give them proper instructions, guidance, counseling to ease out their problems.

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  • Giving is an outstanding principle that I practise in my organisation. Nothing can be earned by not giving anything. There are always ample of opportunities to give . I always give my experience and guidance to my subordinates for them to carry out their work excellently. I'll make sure I respect my subordinates. By respecting them, they always support me in all my endeavors at anytime.

    1 Reply
  • Nice way to be known

  • Very obvious.

  • I do believe integrity wins everything.

  •                                                                    **I will reflect on GIVING.** 

    In my personal life, i have also discovered that giving is living. Earlier in my life i used to give randomly to support different courses but beginning from this year, I sought out an NGO with the name SACTS (SEE A CHILD THROUGH SCHOOL) and i am in partnership with them to ensure that i give back to the society. The major focus of the NGO is to ensure that specific number of children are given resources that will enable them go through school at all costs.

    I know that the government can not provide for all her citizens so i try to fill that gap by putting a smile on the faces of the children that will benefit from this gesture. Although, the government can very well cater for her citizens with adequate planning and logistics, but i can not allow innocent children suffer for what they know nothing about.

    This gesture comes with huge sacrifice on my part but the bottomline is that i want to contribute my quota to the society so that our children can learn to give because they have been given.

    I intend to extend my partnership to other NGOs as time goes on so that together we can make the world a better place using the principles of omnipreneurship.

    Similarly, i intend to sell this idea of giving to my colleagues so that we can pull funds together and support other NGOs.


  • I have replied to the topic already. Thanks.

  • Giving is one of the three principles that embodied in my organization. We put in our energy, resources , time , money and efforts to see that People living with HIV are prioritized.

  • Giving is the most important thing in our daily life as it nourish and inspires once to do more in order to achieve your expectations and it also show your responsibility as a leader.

  • The more I earn the more I give.

  • The principle of "sustaining" is evident in my university's Presidential Leadership Program. In this program, and in the university as a whole, faculty strive to make every student the best they can be. With this, they truly invest in each student that comes through the university and it is in this way that they "pass the torch." By investing in each student, the students then invest in others and so forth. This cycle is a very positive way that incorporates the "sustaining" principle.

  • hai
    I m dyness from Zambia

  • At Christopher Newport University the principle of earning can be seen in many areas. Specifically, in the classroom. In the classroom students are earning knowledge about multitudes of different areas of study and earning experience to allow them to be better prepared for the future.

  • Giving is Love - beautiful!

    Earning, Partnership, Sustaining, three important and convergent principles to a full Life.
    These principles are embodied in everything that I do.

  • Good day,

    My name is Abdullahi Abubakar Owuna. The principle embodied in me and my organization is the "earning principle". Earning presents the ability to give and also and opportunity to sustain what you give.

    Thank you.

  • Giving-I am an actor by trade, meaning I live to give art to others.

  • I think that we are automatically using all three principles at Live and Learn in Kenya Int'l. But let me focus on GIVING.
    Of course we are constantly giving to the children on our program - education, free meals, free medical and dental care, free extra-curricular activities. That is the main objective. But we are giving them far more. We are giving them HOPE for a brighter future far away from the slums of Nakuru. We are giving them RESPECT for themselves, their family and friends, for animals, for nature and for their own country. We are giving them the ABILITY to be all that they can be.
    We are also giving our staff a livelihood that they can be proud of and paying them sufficient wages so that they needn't worry. We are giving to the LLK community of parents and guardian who are experiencing SELF-RESPECT sometimes for the first time in their lives. They are all a part of the big picture of making life better for their children, their environment, themselves.
    I think that giving SELF-RESPECT and SELF-CONFIDENCE are the most precious gifts of all - for with them a person can change the world.

    1 Reply
  • I think that we are automatically using all three principles at Live and Learn in Kenya Int'l. But let me focus on GIVING.
    Of course we are constantly giving to the children on our program - education, free meals, free medical and dental care, free extra-curricular activities. That is the main objective. But we are giving them far more. We are giving them HOPE for a brighter future far away from the slums of Nakuru. We are giving them RESPECT for themselves, their family and friends, for animals, for nature and for their own country. We are giving them the ABILITY to be all that they can be.
    We are also giving our staff a livelihood that they can be proud of and paying them sufficient wages so that they needn't worry. We are giving to the LLK community of parents and guardian who are experiencing SELF-RESPECT sometimes for the first time in their lives. They are all a part of the big picture of making life better for their children, their environment, themselves.
    I think that giving SELF-RESPECT and SELF-CONFIDENCE are the most precious gifts of all - for with them a person can change the world.

  • GIVING- given is the purpose of life, imagine life without giving, philanthropy university is impacting knowledge to humanity all over the world, that is giving. Giving is very important in life that we can't do without, giving is love and the greatest of all is love, and giving is dat love

  • At present in my life as well as that of my organization, i can say that i have be giving; my knowledge, energy, time, money. well I have not started earning yet, not also sustaining.

  • sustaining and earning. this helps me gain knowledge and skills in setting goals ,investing and carry the trorch

  • The 3 principles

    As a Certified Coach, giving is one of the core values of my profession. We give to individuals, groups and society. We actively work volunteering to create awareness about so many different topics. Working hand on hand with people's emotions is also part of giving, because we understand that it takes extra care when dealing with sensitive issues, particularly those that have a social impact. We first become givers to ourselves to then become givers to others.

    I earn in so many ways. Not only financially (because by the end of the day it is not my main interest in life), but also human beings. Coaches learn from others. We earn in knowledge, self awareness, becoming better professionals. This is a constant in our lives and what makes us thrive in our endeavor.

    I sustain my practice by building relationships with other Coaches, working together to create a community that can help in many different ways. We also give our knowledge to new Coaches to make our professional community stronger. We embrace our areas of expertise and exalt our fellow colleague. We make mid and long term plans in regards to training to newcomers, educate them. We constantly investigate and study to sustain the ethical and professional pillars of our careers.

  • Giving is the principle that reflects my personal attitude, as well as the one of the NGO I am working, towards the world (individuals, society and environment). As highlighted in the video, giving is key, but to be sustainable it needs to backed up by goodwill, but also with tangible and/or intangible earnings.
    The earning principle has been the weakest along my life experience and often the reason why even purposeful projects come to an end without delivering the intended impact.

  • Giving is the principle that reflects the most my attitude, and the one from the NGOs I worked for, towards the world (individuals, society and environment.) Giving is important, but without sustainability the achievable impact is finally undermined. In that respect earning is key in supporting sustainability of giving. During my life I witnessed how failing to earn intangible or tangible assets can bring even the most purposeful projects to an end.

  • In giving, the organization for which I work operates a number of NGO projects around the world, helping persons who are affected by war/Crises and/or Natural disaster. This help is always free and follows the humanitarian principles.

  • Giving definitely resonates with my personal values and those of the organisation that I work with. Working in Foster Care, having a genuine giving approach to support, advocacy to our clients and in my role, support and sustainability of employees, has to be a priority.

  • In our organization we belive and practiced the principle of giving. We share knowledge and resources with community people by informing them on ways of being food secure. This helps to reduce malnutrition and food insecurities in the community. We believe when we share we help solve the future generations from hazards which can be managed

  • "Giving" is a principle which is embodied in most of my personal dealings, I give "Time" to my family, friends, relatives and neighbours, listening their issues and try learn different ways to fix their queries, I give "resources" to cater my family, with friends I gives "Plans" to change their lives, gives them "Strategies" to deal with their personal and professional issues.

  • I thought and educate the youth plus I set up 8 schools upto the standardized mark.that is giving
    In response I earn Alhamdulillah money respect satisfaction happiness
    For sustainability MashaAllah i keep my self updated

  • These three Principles I can figure out from a non-profit aspect as I am working in a non profit organization-

    1. Giving- My resources- energy, knowledge, capacities, skills, time, passion to make a meaningful change in the society
    2. Earning- Respect from the community, love, reputation from the organization and community
    3. Sustaining- Income which fulfills my living and to pursue these courses which keep me thriving
  • The organization that I am in is a Non for profit organization and has a mission that provides a supportive and positive learning experience in which members are empowered to develop communication and leadership resulting in greater self confidence and personal growth,
    It has enabled me to give selflessly my time to help and support new members find their voice and develop their self confidence. It has also helped me give more time to a protege' or mentee and in doing so I have turned to help build my home by giving more time to my daughter to help build her foundation for the coming years. It has also helped me reach out to communities to help teach the disadvantaged.
    Basically it has given me a broader sense of giving to everyone who needs time to learn a new skill, or learn a new trait.

  • Applying the rules of leadership principal by balancing by giving earning and sustaining can be made real.

  • The principle of earning in the form of knowledge and providing it in the form of an Academic Tutor is what drives me learn more about the subject matter.


    • This is my greatest weakness and my biggest mountain which disallow me to balance the three principles

    • Less focus on myself development, family, work and community

    • investing my time and money on the useless project or activities that I did not earn anything and not able to give more

  • my life is an organization for me,it's up to me to organize it in the best way possible.3 before the principle (to give) I have to value myself and then respect my thoughts every time I achieve success, I have to move forward without underestimating this success, because without giving, life has no's in my hands to keep it going when I win

  • The principle i will focus on is giving. For our organization, we operate in a nation where unemployment is very high. Hence we provide free capacity building sessions for aspiring entrepreneurs to help them start up sustainable businesses. We also provide mentoring and business advisory services to help them on their entrepreneurship journey.

  • From the three principles giving and earning are more familiar in my personal life. I believe giving brings eternal satisfaction and I used to share what I have with my family members and in need. However, my problem is to balance my earning and giving in a sustainable manner. Here in this course I am sure I will learn a lot to implement the three principles in my personal life and in my working conditions.

  • Giving - Our organization works with communities devastated by storms (in our current situation - Hurricane Michael). In giving, we help to bring families home to a safe place by "Shrinking the time between disaster and recovery." While we are here to help, we always hope to build a more resilient future for family homes with an ability to stand the next storm. By giving, we provide best practices, we educate homeowners about insurance, safety and fortification for their home, as well as, advocacy for their home protection.

  • I choose to discuss about earning from the stated three principles.
    Earning - Previously, the first thing that come into my mind when I think about earning is money. But from the previous section I understood that I can earn knowledge, reputation, respect, wealth and even fame that can be fuel to thrive. As I am one of citizens of poor country, I have to strive to increase earning, especially money, to improve my way of living. To do so, the best way to earn knowledge as it is the economical way than others. Therefore, I did a lot to attain this objective. That is why I have two masters degree this time from Addis Ababa University, the first and reputable university in Ethiopia. I am eager to learn and improve myself in short term trainings like leadership offered by philanthropy university right here in this platform.
    I have strong ambition to improve myself by earning knowledge and skill so that I can ensure my financial earning through it. I believe that knowledge is one of earning that I can give for others so that the purpose of living in this earth can be meaningful. I believe that I have to sustain this language by reading, short and long term trainings, workshops and so on.

    You have good experience as giving is way of living purposeful life. But, as I have perceived from your explanation that you are working in the position to serve others for which you probably be rewarded. If so, is that possible to conclude that giving services you are expected from the servants for which you are rewarded as the Giving stated as one of three principles in this course? I thought it is giving what you have, without expecting any reward.

  • It is good experience, but do you think that you can give if there will not be any reward for it?

  • Dear BRIQUE,
    Your experience is amazing we have to learn a lot from. You give everything you have for beneficiaries in your program. SELF- RESPECT and SELF-CONFIDENCE are among them. But I mean, how really can you give these things practically as these are major issues Africans should develop. What are things you practically do to give them?

  • Yet you cannot give unless you also earn, and ultimately neither giving nor earning can continue without a focus on sustaining.

  • Giving, Earning and Sustaining are three Principles. I think the order must be Earning, Sustaining and Giving in this selfish world. We usually forget Giving part.

  • Giving is the most important Principle that we usually forget. Giving without hurting one's ego and respect is also appreciated.

  • Reflecting on my life. the principle of earning has been the core. life is all about earning. i work hard and in return to earn

  • I give without preference for religion, creed or belief. I give because I know there can be a relationship between the capacity to earn and the desire to give, and I believe in strengthening this relationship.
    In our corporate platform – which represents the principle of Earning –ur company is a government organization that believes in giving and receiving and believes that all taxpayers can pay their taxes and collect the right services. This is based on the law of the three. In all our Sustaining activities, we are principally concerned with continuity and the promise of maintaining the balance between our Giving and Earning in perpetuity

    1 Reply
  • Sustaning is one of the principal my organization is adopting.

  • Sustaining is most important for me because it creates a balance between earning and scope for giving. From beginning of my life I always thought to create a corpus so that during tough days of lives I would be able to survive when earning would be limited. Sustenance is only possible when one is able to balance between earning, spending and giving. I somehow also feel that giving also creates energy in life like earning does.

    My One Large Outcome:

    1. To become a CEO of a not for profit Organisation by 2025 with experience of three years

    Skill and Resource Required:

    1. Doing a relevant course on leadership of not for profit organisation
      2, Broaden the current role to accomodate the next level of experience.
  • My organization practices the "sustaining" principle. Various strategies designed and implemented are geared towards long-term sustainability.

  • Within the organization that I am part of, I saw the manifestation of the principle of giving, its importance and relation to the other principles. Giving our time, resources, efforts, respect and compassion has been the reason behind the thriving of our non-profit organization. The tasks that members get require the dedication of our time and great efforts, without specifically any material reward, because our organization is based on voluntary work. I personally needed to sacrifice a considerable amount of my time, and energy to fulfill my tasks and contribute to the development of the project, although it sometimes overlaps with my studies and personal projects.

  • In our organization we give by delivering value to the different stakeholders for example SMEs benefit through the 3 pillars (skills, markets and finance) , Partners through various programs that we work together on collaboratively and our donors and funders we become an implementing partner and deliver the impact they need.

  • Giving

    Without giving, life has no purpose. I personally felt very much connected to this principal.

    Since small, our family have implemented this principal in our household. The older siblings always give to the younger and vice versa.

    Now as I grow older, i've applied it to my company where as a social impact consultant based in Malaysia, my company always advice others on how they can give/ create impact to others.

  • For me personally, I have embodied giving through the entire work of my life, as an undergraduate, I volunteered under different programs and initiatives to lead several advocacies which includes Save the girl child campaign (Advocacy against rape and girl child sexual molestation) Vote don't fight (Advocacy against electoral violence) Back to school (Capacity building outreaches to Secondary schools)
    I have also used my position in every organization I have worked with to contribute to the growth and expansion of such organizations while I invest my knowledge and resources into providing assistance within my capacity for colleagues.

    Giving has been a major principle for my current organization FATE foundation. we do this through our several programs where capacity building programs are put together for entrepreneurs free of charge alongside Free business consulting, mentoring and funding linkages

  • Being from a family of few financial resources, the principle that most guided my life was "earning". I tried not to waste any opportunity to acquire knowledge, skills, culture and also formal education. I consider this to be the foundation on which I built my personal journey.

  • The Principal which applies to me most is the Giving one. Most times i want to see the best out the people surrounding me. Hence i find my self looking at what i can do for them to make their life better. If their life become better then I will be less troubled.

  • Personally, I completely agree that giving is a vital part of the core principle for organization growth. It provides the platform to cause great and positive change in our environment.

  • I have earned knowledge and acquired skills first. Then I am imparting knowledge and skills to my students.

  • The role of a medical doctor in hospital is multifaceted. In the end healthcare and hospitals are business as well relying on the principles mentioned: Giving, earning, sustaining.
    In view of healthcare, the system provides services, goods and therapy whilst earning money and gaining population or community health. The hospital must sustain its services through education of personnel and maintaining good infrastructure, architecture and novel therapeutics.
    As a medical doctor, these principles will also apply to our role. We give our services, we earn our living as well as satisfaction and respect. We maintain and sustain our role in the community by furthering our studies, gaining more soft skills and becoming better versions of our profession.

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