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  • logframe in monitoring and evaluation

    A log frame is a tool for improving the planning, implementation, management, monitor and evaluation of projects. The log frame is a way of structuring the main elements in project and highlighting the logical linkages between them.

    activities inputs
    1 human resources
    2 financial resources
    3 material resources
    4 training

    1 products
    2 development plans recommendations
    3 studies reports
    4 information campaign
    5 legislation drafted

    1 change in knowledge and or behavior
    2 improved practices
    3 increase service lending investments
    4 improved legislation passed
    1 increased financing sales
    2 increased employment
    increased profitability
    3 increased exports

  • 4 Replies
  • log frame is the most viable tool which is used in all projects structuration.

  • logical framework approach is a methodology mainly used for designing monitoring and evaluating international development projects. Variations of this tool are known as Goal oriented project planning or objectives oriented project planning

  • Logical Framework Analysis is mini-version of theory of change for an project. LFA talks about from where we need to start to reach the results of objective decided. It is very important to move one step at time to design and implement the LFA on the ground. LFA in many cases is next step to what we do while getting to know the real problem on which we are supposed to start the work. The problem is not an issue, actually it is subset of a issue and solution to that will be achieved through designing the LFA later with program theory matrices.

  • focus on goals to achieved in actual bases

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