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  • Data management process

    In the daily operations of the projects,data forms part and partial of information that is based on to make decisions regarding very many things. The process through which data is transformed into information is a complex one and we must always see to it that the Data management process adopted during our M&E plan is well connected to create a continuous flow of data usage as a way of ensuring that all stakeholders benefit from the data deliverables which are in form of decisions, reports and so on

  • 1 Reply
  • The data management process is a series of activities that range from data collection, data entry, verification and use. Every organization with an M & E system should adopt a good data management process. This helps to outline the activities, the data collection process , analysis and use, the persons responsible for each stage of the project implementation. Thus, creating a robust data management system and flow map that can be useful in future project and decision making.

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