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  • After creating a data collection tool, it essential to test it before applying it.

  • After creating a data collection tool, it essential to test it before applying it.

  • After creating a data collection tool, it essential to test it before applying it.

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  • After creating a data collection tool, it essential to test it before applying it.

  • We can even better define methods and techniques for obtaining data, regardless of whether you use these methods. I would like to know how careful we should be with inquirers (who can falsify data in the matrix)?

  • Is there any website where to check data collection tools that others people/ogn used?

  • In my works as Anthropologist I have used differents tools for collecting datas as surveys, personal interview or in a small group of people. And always I have collect information using a Participant traking form, plus writing down the most important things of the interview himself. Plus i always record the interview so after i can ear it again and check all information I couldnt write. It is the best way to use Quantitative and qualitative tools for record information.

  • Hello, I appreciate so much for I have learnt a lot i didn't know about creating forms and how use them.


  • Participant tracking form may be a great data collection to collect reliable as well as valid data.

  • Discussion on the 6 steps to create the Participants Tracking Form:

    • Understand your indicator
    • Decide which types of information to record
    • Decide how the form will be filled in
    • Create the form
    • Test the form
    • Revise the form
  • For creating data collection tools we have to:

    1. Identify who will use this tool
    2. Focus on essential information
    3. Collect metadata - metadata is the information that explains how your data was collected.
    4. Pre-test your tool
    5. Train staff to use the tool and include instructions
  • Although I am I am an information scientist but this course has help me to dig my knowledge of data collection and the appropriate tools to use

  • For me I think tracking tool is focusing more on collecting specific data or do they may be simple

  • For me in Peyton data collection tools there is need to employ an expert who understand how to come up with the methodology and instruments

  • Yes that's very very important

  • I think this is one of the most exciting parts of this course, as it is where we generate the bulk of data for analysis and presentation to donors and officials. So it it imperative that care is taken to include all valuable information that would be needed to present a complete picture of the activity.

  • Date collection tools are survey focus groups interview observations document review

  • The following tips will always help us when creating any type of data collection tools.

    • Firstly; we identify who will use this tool,secondly;we focus on essential information,thirdly;we collect metadata,fourthly; we pre-test our tool to see if it will be effective in collecting data.Lastly;we train our data collectors on how they can use the tool and instructions.
  • if data has been collected using the tools that are not matching the type of data that we are looking for,it may result in collecting insufficient or wrong information

  • I need a certificate from this certification to pass my course

  • I need a certificate from this certification to pass my course

  • It’s very important to create data collection tools

  • création d'outils de collecte de données

  • création d'outils de collecte de données

  • The methods and tools used are determined by the indicators chosen. It is good to test the tools if the situation allows for it. Tools should be simple enough with clear instructions.

  • The methods and tools used are determined by the indicators chosen. It is good to test the tools if the situation allows for it. Tools should be simple enough with clear instructions.

  • You need to have a deep understanding of the indicators in order to develop a good data collection tool

  • when choosing a data collection tool,we must make sure that the tool is suitable for the type of data that we want

  • very interesting how the forms are created

  • Data collection tools are forms, documents or guides that help individuals or organizations collect information or data.
    It is important for every organization or individual collecting data to have a collection tool that guides them to provide adequate and accurate data.
    Also, it is important because it helps us collect essential and useful information required for the project.

  • Data Collection Tools have to be prepared based on the needs of indicators. Where we have to consider what data we want to collect, how the data will be collected, and how the indicator can be measure using those data. We have to prepare forms, questionnaire, checklist and guideline based on the data collection method and demand of the indicators. After that we have to train our data collector on the designed tools and principles and to conduct field test. After getting feedback from field test, we have to update our tools to finalize these.

  • Data Collection Tools have to be prepared based on the needs of indicators. Where we have to consider what data we want to collect, how the data will be collected, and how the indicator can be measure using those data. We have to prepare forms, questionnaire, checklist and guideline based on the data collection method and demand of the indicators. After that we have to train our data collector on the designed tools and principles and to conduct field test. After getting feedback from field test, we have to update our tools to finalize these.

  • Data Collection Tools have to be prepared based on the needs of indicators. Where we have to consider what data we want to collect, how the data will be collected, and how the indicator can be measure using those data. We have to prepare forms, questionnaire, checklist and guideline based on the data collection method and demand of the indicators. After that we have to train our data collector on the designed tools and principles and to conduct field test. After getting feedback from field test, we have to update our tools to finalize these.

  • To creat data collection tools, that needs some knowledge but I can be easy if we ask between us

  • Data collection tools are tools that are necessary for data collection.
    this is the process of creating the required tools for you data collection process.

  • If the tool is not well prepared how can it be structured and sent to the field

  • tracking your data

  • Creating the Data collection Tools, there should be maintain participants individual information and language would be easy to understand the participants.

  • Data collection tools are pertinent methods for data gathering and possibly storage as primary source and there needs to be as efficient as possible.

  • Creating a data collection tool must consider the relevant component of information required in project implementation and its success.

  • This tool is very useful to collect data to track beneficiaries to his we move towards success of the project. Instructions MUST be to vlear and simple for the person who will fill it.

    Must build many Participant tracking form if we want to collect other informations about a specific target of the project?

  • Team, how best you put your tools to a test other than imagination and or stage-managing. Wouldn't a pilot study be ideal?

  • There are various data collection tools that can be used for your project. Your indicators determine which data collection tool you will use.

  • creating data collection tools allows keeping and analyzing data about the project

    1 Reply
  • The fact of monitoring and evaluation is not availablity in the society of development and the other hand defines this message is not to access.

  • data collection helps and enables one to better evaluate and access the project.

  • creating data is necessary as after that only one can proceed further in the process and this also give more ideas.
    collection tools act as a support to the data collection process.

  • What is data collection?
    Data collection is a systematic method of collecting and measuring data gathered from different sources of information in order to provide answers to relevant questions. An accurate evaluation of collected data can help researchers predict future phenomenon and trends.
    Data collection can be classified into two, namely: primary and secondary data. Primary data are raw data i.e. fresh and are collected for the first time. Secondary data, on the other hand, are data that were previously collected and tested.
    Methods of data collection
    The system of data collection is depends on the type of study being conducted or types of indictors that we are going to measure. Depending on data collection plan and design, there are several ways data can be collected.
    The most commonly used methods are:
    • Published literature sources,
    • Surveys (email and mail),
    • Interviews (telephone,
    • Face-to-face or focus group),
    • Observations, documents and
    • Records, and experiments.

    1. Literature sources
      This involves the collection of data from already published text available in the public domain. Literature sources can include: textbooks, government or private companies’ reports, newspapers, magazines, online published papers and articles.
      This method of data collection is referred to as secondary data collection. In comparison to primary data collection, it is inexpensive and not time consuming.
    2. Surveys
      Survey is another method of gathering information for research purposes. Information are gathered through questionnaire, mostly based on individual or group experiences regarding a particular phenomenon.
      There are several ways by which this information can be collected. Most notable ways are: web-based questionnaire and paper-based questionnaire (printed form). The results of this method of data collection are generally easy to analyse.
    1. Interviews
      Interview is a qualitative method of data collection whose results are based on intensive engagement with respondents about a particular study. Usually, interviews are used in order to collect in-depth responses from the professionals being interviewed.
      Interview can be structured (formal), semi-structured or unstructured (informal). In essence, an interview method of data collection can be conducted through face-to-face meeting with the interviewee(s) or through telephone.
    2. Observations
      Observation method of information gathering is used by monitoring participants in a specific situation or environment at a given time and day. Basically, researchers observe the behaviour of the surrounding environments or people that are being studied. This type of study can be controlled, natural or participant.
      Controlled observation is when the researcher uses a standardized procedure of observing participants or the environment. Natural observation is when participants are being observed in their natural conditions. Participant observation is where the researcher becomes part of the group being studied.
    3. Documents and records
      This is the process of examining existing documents and records of an organization for tracking changes over a period of time. Records can be tracked by examining call logs, email logs, databases, minutes of meetings, staff reports, information logs, etc.
      For instance, an organization may want to understand why there are lots of negative reviews and complains from customer about its products or services. In this case, the organization will look into records of their products or services and recorded interaction of employees with customers.
    4. Experiments
      Experimental research is a research method where the causal relationship between two variables are being examined. One of the variables can be manipulated, and the other is measured. These two variables are classified as dependent and independent variables.
  • In addition to the information I have posted about data collection tools or methods, we have to think about the data type we are going to collect and the expected information. In general Key questions to ask yourself prior to data collection:

    1. What information are you going to collect?
    2. How are you going to collect your data?
      a) Interviews/focus groups
      b) Phone records
      c) Surveys/questionnaires
      d) Medical records (or clinic and office charts)
      e) Recorded data different Organization
    3. How will data be analyzed?
  • It is very important to be smart when creating data collection tools.

    Firstly you need to understand your indicators, get avoid consuming time. To avoid consuming time, one can group the indicators and measures them using same tool. This can be done by using same method(surveys, interviews, observation) to collect data and use same source to collect get the information e.g., same people, areas etc.. Collect the information on the same schedule is also very important.

  • Great Module!

  • Data collection is the process of gathering and measuring information on variables of interest. There are different types of data collection for example Quantitative information collection. Different data collection strategies which includes case studies, observation ect. Collecting data allows one to store and analyze important information about existing projects, and collecting data digitally allows for a much larger sample size and improves the reliability of the data.

  • The tips for creating data collection tools include:-
    -Identifying who will use this tool.
    -Focus on essential information
    -Collect metadata
    -Pre-test your tool
    -Train staff to use the tool and include instructions.

  • precise data collection tool will be very helpful in conducting research

  • This module is a basis for M&E in that it gives a thorough watch out of the project's findings and how it should be organized. Data collection needs all participants in the organization to have a knowledge on how to enter data in the achieves of the project. This will help in monitoring and evaluation once the experts are used to carry out EvALUATION.

  • The mentioned methods used to collect data like survey, interview, observation and group analysis is a room for study and at times helps to get clear and distinct information.

    1 Reply
  • It is intersting to see that there exists a wide range of data collection tools that should be able to answer the needs of any project's objectives. However it is worth noting that the use of some of the collection tools like the survey would entail the ablility to design the questionnaire and then eventually inteprete the answers say using a likert scale, etc.
    Therefore at times this may require that this phase be outsourced to experts in this domain depending on the size as well of the endeavor.

  • well outlined!

  • While taking note that some of these tools may require some technical skills say for the intepretation of questionnaires ,etc

  • Data collection tool helps in the process of making sure that the indicators are measured correctly

  • For sure, budget and time factor is a dire need to be considered while executing any method of data collection. This is due to the fact that every budget has a start and end date. Any failure in budget or time management will cause inconvenice in the process of executing a project.

  • The data collection tools provide insights to continuous learning and improvement of goals. It is an integral part to meet donor reporting requirements.
    Evidence collected through proper data collection tools are keys to implement action-oriented initiatives which create long term social impact.
    Selecting and creating M&E tools must start with a well-defined goals and Targets.
    The purpose should not only to focus on activity and outcome tracking, just to meet donner reporting requirements, but to get evidence and improving the community's outcome.
    When creating the tools, it is important to consider literacy level of the users, What alternatives are there to collect the required information, give opportunities to express themselves, to open up and provide their insight, whether you need to ask the same question in different ways, whether these tools exclude anyone.
    Other than basic methods of data collection such as interviews, focus group discussions, observation, photography, video, surveys, questionnaires and case studies; data may also be generated through reviewing secondary data.

  • This section was very interesting, I could improve my previous knowledge

  • it worthwhile to create a data collection zone

  • In this module, you will learn how to:

    Distinguish between different data collection methods and select the most appropriate use for each

    Understand best practices for creating clear tools and instructions to collect data on project indicators

    Select appropriate data collection methods for your indicators

    Design a data collection form and instructions for your own indicators

    1 Reply
  • Data tools are very important in order to get proper results

  • Data Collection tools are tools or instruments or devices used to collect data such as questionnaire, interview, reporting, case study, survey, checklist, observation, etc.

  • Use an appropriate data collection tools is among the most important step for a project to succeed. It is the only way we have to collect information and use it properly for further purpose, for example for future events, courses, etc.

  • I find observation to be the most time friendly and cheap option for collecting 'process' data in my project

  • Creating data collection tools has series of step and it depends on the information you want to record or collect. Base on the the record you want to collect and your ability to understand an indicator you can create your form

  • how do you create data collection tools

    1. How to Get Started
      Use the completed Data Collection Planning Worksheet to create a list of all data collection instruments that are required. Next determine which investigative questions will be posed to which audiences through the instruments identified. One way to facilitate this is to sort the Worksheet by its “Data Source” column and compare this with the completed Question Matrix to ensure that no items have been overlooked. Create one document for each instrument and audience, and on it list each investigative question and sub-question.
    2. Next
      Consider the type of instruments you will need and plan to create all those of a similar type at the same time. For example, create all the questionnaires you will need and then move on to all interview protocols, documentation worksheets, etc. Tackling the tasks in this manner helps you leverage the work from one instrument to the next of its type. Use the Documentation Worksheet, Focus Group Worksheet, Interview Worksheet, and Questionnaire Development Worksheet to guide your work. Questionnaire items you write for CHWs can be edited slightly to become appropriate for CHW Supervisors, for instance, and so grouping the work will help you complete it more quickly.
    3. Then
      Identify individuals from each data source group to serve as pilot participants for the data collection instruments you have created. It’s fine to choose those close at hand, but if there are important subgroups, or strata, among the target population it’s a good idea to pilot with each subgroup to ensure the instrument is sensitive to their differences. Once the instruments are ready the team must prepare for their use.
    4. Finally
      Once the instruments are ready, the data collection team must be prepared for their use. For self-administered questionnaires provide electronic or print copy as needed to those responsible for distribution and collection. For administered instruments like surveys or interview protocols, hold a training session with data collectors to ensure they understand what each question is designed to capture, the importance of following the question language order, and how they should document the responses they receive. One effective training approach this is to have an experienced interviewer conduct a real interview in front of the collector trainees, who will follow and document the responses individually. Then compare the captured data of the experienced interviewer with that of the trainees to ensure greater consistency.
  • When creating data collection tools, its important to consider the following;
    a. Identify who will use the tool. You have to consider the the education level of the users, whether the user has got prior experience in using the tool and how comfortable they are with using the tools.
    b. The tool should focus on essential information. Do not make the tool too complicated with unnecessary information.
    c. Collect metadata, this entails; 1. Title of tool 2. Version of tool 3. Who used the tool 4. Where they used the tool 5. When they used the tool

    1. Pretest the tool. This will be important to help identify if the tool is working well. It will show whether you need to add or subtract any information.
    2. Train staff on how to use the tool.
  • How can we avoid from Unrealistic Targets?

  • This module had me thinking about how important a Participation Form is especially the information contied within it. I have been in situations as a participant where I felt the form was either too complicated or did not have the right questions to address the issue I was facing. This module was indeed an eye opener on how to make forms that address the issues we want them to.

  • Hello fellow colleagues this Module is very interesting...

  • creating data collection tools is fundamental to understanding and monitoring information about the beneficiaries. If proper data collection tools are not created, the data collected, monitored and eventually evaluated will be faulty and hence the impact will also be improperly assessed

  • creating data collection tools is fundamental to understanding and monitoring information about the beneficiaries. If proper data collection tools are not created, the data collected, monitored and eventually evaluated will be faulty and hence the impact will also be improperly assessed

  • Name title

  • Data collection is an important aspect linked to the project’s indicators and eventually the overall success of the project. With many different data collection methods, some of which require more time, money and expertise than others, creating data collection tools could be both challenging and exciting. Creating data collection tools, whether quantitative or qualitative demands a long, cyclic process involving designing and piloting the tool. An important thing I learnt in this module is that you can strategize the data collection tools such that you can measure several indicators with the same tool if those indicators involve the same method (e.g. survey or interviews, etc), source (same participants), and collection schedule (e.g. weekly/monthly/annually, etc.)

  • This to me is the heart of M and E role because your success depend on how much the details on the form answered your indicator list

  • Tracking form is essential in monitoring the project performance and reduce bias

    1 Reply
  • The data collection tools must be responsive to the needs, or where indicators will address the problems or the issues. The tools must be easily understand and can be used well by the monitors.

  • The data collection tools must be responsive to the needs, or where indicators will address the problems or the issues. The tools must be easily understand and can be used well by the monitors.

  • What kind of tools do you use to collect data?

  • I think this is probably the most daunting task there is. A key take away for me has been the issue of avoiding adding unnecessary questions. To be honest I don't feel confident that I can design a good data collection tool right now. Especially when it comes to Surveys, Interviews and the like.

  • 1 Formats
    2 Mobiles
    3, Quarrtionares
    4 Conversations
    5 Hotlines
    6 Email Communications

  • This tool is very useful to collect data to track beneficiaries to his we move towards success of the project. Instructions MUST be to vlear and simple for the person who will fill it.

    Must build many Participant tracking form if we want to collect other informations about a specific target of the project?

  • What is the most used data tool for collecting information about the capacity training impact?

    1 Reply
  • It is good topic and am much better

  • There must be careful in creating appropriate data collection tools. Sometimes wrong or incorrect data can be collected if creating of data is not careful and as a result wrong decisions can be made on the project

  • Data collection tools refer to the devices/instruments used to collect data, such as a paper questionnaire or computer-assisted interviewing system. Case Studies, Checklists, Interviews, Observation sometimes, and Surveys or Questionnaires are all tools used to collect data.
    We must carefully decide what data collection tools will be suitable for a particular data collection methodology.

  • Be careful while selection of data collection tool for any particular data collection method and be aware of your audience as well

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