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  • Data processing

    Processing M&E Data
    Processing data refers to the steps needed to organize your data for analysis. This process entails field editing, transcribing, coding, data entry and tabulation and data cleaning.
    Field editing involves reviewing data
    for completeness and legibility while
    you are still in the field.
    Field editing is the first step in processing qualitative and quantitative data.
    Field editing involves systematically reviewing field notes; transcripts from focus group discussions, in-depth interviews and observations; and questionnaires.
    Data should be reviewed for completeness and legibility while data collectors’ memories are still fresh. Reviewing data in the field provides an opportunity to consult the source of the data—facility or a person—in the event that some information is not clear. Field editing also includes the systematic organization of data, recording the date, place and name or other identifier of the informant.
    Transcription of qualitative data must
    be undertaken before data are
    Transcripts are verbatim records of what was said during a focus group discussion or interview. It is desirable to use a tape recorder to ensure accuracy. If people prefer not to be recorded, have someone
    take thorough notes. These can then be edited and expanded on while you are still in the field. The transcript will look like a script; it specifies who says what and should also convey notes about gestures or other responses that may not have been recorded on the tape.
    Coding refers to a process of
    organizing and assigning meaning to
    quantitative and qualitative data.
    Data analysis will be simpler if you assign codes to the answers.

    3 Replies
  • You are correct in what you say and that is why collecting data is as important as every step that helps us to develop a good M&E plan.

  • Wow. Very detailed and useful post. Thanks

  • i real like this topic

  • I have done planning for M & E course ..I will surely enroll in processing M & E data

  • interesting! We practice field editing all the time without being conscious that its what it's termed.

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