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  • I think you will always find yourself using more than one approach to estimate the cost. But the bottom up approach would be the best. It will get give you ideas from other people and from those who will actually be using the money. It also prevents complaints from the team members on imposition of a budget that they might not agree with.

  • The parametric method of budget estimates involves using historical data and statistical techniques to estimate costs based on specific parameters or variables and therefore, it should be the most reliable and efficient method to compute our daily costs.
    let's take a look at some of the benefits of this parametric method;
    Efficiency: The parametric method streamlines the budget estimation process by utilizing established formulas or algorithms, allowing for quicker calculations compared to other methods.

    Accuracy: Leveraging historical data and statistical analysis, parametric estimates can yield precise cost approximations when reflecting past project intricacies accurately.

    Consistency: This approach ensures uniformity across projects within an organization, as it relies on consistent models and formulas for estimation.

    Early Estimation: Parametric estimation provides the advantage of generating rough cost estimates even in the project's initial stages when detailed information may be lacking, aiding in early decision-making.

    Benchmarking: By comparing estimates with industry standards, organizations can identify areas for improvement or cost-saving opportunities.

    Risk Assessment: Parametric estimates consider various project parameters, facilitating early identification of potential risks and uncertainties, thereby enabling proactive risk management.

    Resource Allocation: Accurate cost estimates derived from parametric methods aid in optimal resource allocation, ensuring efficient utilization within budget constraints.

    Decision Support: These estimates provide valuable insights for decision-making processes such as project selection and cost-benefit analysis, enhancing stakeholder understanding of financial implications.

    Flexibility: Parametric estimation can be tailored to diverse project types and industries, allowing for customization to meet specific project needs.

    Cost Control: Acting as a reference point, parametric estimates enable effective cost monitoring and control throughout the project lifecycle, facilitating timely corrective actions when necessary.

  • Both approaches are equally useful in different situations. There are certain activities one cannot get their cost parametrically but through top-down or bottom-up approaches.

    In my organization, we usually used a mixed of top-down and parametric approaches, because top-down is easier and does not take longer time and extra resources; while parametric is simpler when the price per unit is known.

  • Bottom-up approach is the best one.
    bottom-up estimation is often the best approach. By breaking down the project into smaller components, it allows for a more thorough and precise estimation of costs.

  • Bottom-up estimation is often the best approach. By breaking down the project into smaller components, it allows for a more thorough and precise estimation of costs.
    It is more efficient by combining these three approaches

  • In my point of view parametric approach is better other than others for estimating cost because it provide more accurate results.

  • One of domain that use parametric budgeting is construction sector. But you will never find only parametric budjeting. Worker wages may vary from one area to an other. Some parts to be manufactured needs to divide in many activities to be closer to the real price.

  • Parametric is the best approach as it will provide accurate information and it is simpler

  • I believe that you should use the Top -Down approach whenever possible because the seniors in the project may have experiance on the project activity and can help us in estimating the costs easily .

  • In my opinion, the most effective is using all three. Using the parametric first and the as much as possible to try ensure a good proportion of the budget is accurate as possible. Then use a mix of top-down and bottom-up to trial and error budget. I would personally keep answers seperate and then take the average of the predictions to account for both out of tuch and dishonesty from both sides.

  • I believe the best approach is combining the three approaches where possible

  • For me Parametric approach is the best way because this method uses statistical relationships between historical project data and project characteristics to estimate costs. It's effective for projects with well-defined parameters and historical data. It offers a balance between speed and accuracy but may require significant effort to develop accurate parametric models.

  • I believe that whenever possible,you should use a combination of at least two forms of approach to give a budget that yields minimal complications in execution of the project.
    A combination of Parametric approach and Bottom-up approach is great. The parametric approach yields estimates which are derived using calculations from existing cost variables and data from past or related projects and applying them to the current project. The bottom-up approach would however complement it, in that the cost estimates would be provided by individuals in "the know" since they are directly involved in expenditure hence cost estimates would be more realistic having factored in changes such as inflation etc.
    The parametric approach would also reduce the margin of excesses created by dishonest employees.

  • In my clime, budgeting is one of the most inconsistent items i always encounter because of the ever increasing inflation rate.

  • I believe that the top- down approach is best because it could apply to everything and as long as it gives opportunity to many contributions and research, the best prices would be reached and on time.

    1 Reply
  • I agree with @eltonjames, especially when the project manager doesn't have experience in cost estimatives, budget, and, plus it can be a better way to learn about it for the next project.

  • I believe that the top- down approach is best because it could apply to everything and as long as it gives opportunity to many contributions and research, the best prices would be reached and on time.

  • I believe that you should use the touch down because it is quick, and everyone engages. It helps the team to be carried along and also to avoid peoples assumptions.

  • When estimating project costs, the parametric approach tends to give more accurate estimates than the rest, but in instances where this approach is not applicable, bottom -up or top-down approach can be applied.

    1 Reply
  • I think that we should combine the top-down and bottom-up approaches because these approaches can provide a solid view of the costs since it is based on research and experience of those who have made the expenses. A combination also allows for verification and validation.

  • This is absolutely true. The parametric approach may also be combined with the Top-down approach which can be based on research

  • This is true. But when we combine this with the bottom-up, we can reduce issues of over/under estimation.

  • Best serving approaches depend on scope of project or complexity of the project, level of budget planning, data availability, time constraint, and project familiarity. I have used top-down cost estimation for annual plan budgets where the time turn around is short and the expert judgement valuable based on available data. More often though bottom up serves in cases of small projects with detailed sub/tasks. In both cases, compared and adjusted projects and activities similar with previous ones using parametric approach, which yields clarity, however, relies on data precision.

  • Exactly! When all the three approaches have been used simultaneously, you gets a wholistic picture to the whole thing

  • Thanks for expressing your views on parametric features in budgeting

  • I believe that you should use the bottom-up approach whenever possible because it offers the most detailed and accurate cost estimates. Unlike the top-down approach, which relies on high-level assumptions and historical data, and the parametric approach, which uses mathematical models based on historical data, the bottom-up approach involves breaking down the project into smaller components and estimating the cost of each individual element. This method allows for a more granular analysis of project requirements, leading to a better understanding of resource needs and potential cost drivers. Additionally, the bottom-up approach encourages stakeholder involvement and fosters a sense of ownership among team members, as they contribute to the development of cost estimates based on their expertise and insights. Overall, leveraging the bottom-up approach ensures that cost estimates are grounded in thorough analysis and informed decision-making, thereby enhancing the project's financial management and success.

  • parametric approach works best for me

  • In my opinion, the nature of the project determines the choice of approach. When projects are in their early stages, a top down approach may be ideal, as it is quick and provides a ballpark figure with cost estimates without spending extra time and resources. However, if projects are complex and and need detailed planning, the bottom approach will suit, as it provide higher level of accuracy, make sure no project details are overlooked. For standardized and familiar projects, using parametric approach is effective by leveraging historical data and statistical tools to generate estimates.

  • I believe that you could use all the approaches combined, so that the advantages of each could cushion the disadvantages of others.
    Top-down approach is great because it involves experts and managers whose contribution is great and few individuals are involved and therefore would not consume much time.
    Bottom-up approach would be realist because member members on the ground, and their opinion would go into use,but still the disadvantages of time consumption since it involves a number of individuals who at times would not give correct estimates.
    Parametric would require that you do a bit of enquiries on the current prices and would be more accurate on the costs

  • I prefer mixed approach, not because it combines all, rather it gives us the opportunity to see how our project can go in detail. it will give the project leader an opportunity to engage.

  • The type of budget to use solely depends on the type of project, in some cases the bottom-up approach would be needed, in some top down approach could be used while for some the parametric could be used. However, a project can require the use of the entire three approaches to determine an accurate budget for the budget.

  • I believe the three approaches work for different scenarios. We can pick the best to use as the situation demands.

  • Bottom up method is effective since it brings the accurate cost estimations,easy detailed as well as easy availability of resources for estimating cost.

  • I think that bottom up approach is the most effective because despite that it's time consuming, you will still come up with the best results.

  • Bottom up method is effective since it gives clear results and efficiency

  • Parametric because cost can not be over esteemated as in bottom up as well as unrealistic as in top down

  • I prefer to prioritize parametric estimation because it is renowned for its precision in assessing both the duration and cost of a project. Moreover, its implementation is relatively straightforward: one simply needs to meticulously define the specifications of each component of the deliverable product. However, it is advisable to utilize all three estimation methods to achieve a comprehensive and rigorous evaluation.

  • While we can use parametric approach for most of the cost items, but there are some "hidden costs" related to the project activities which can not be calculated using parametric approach.In my view we can use parametric approach for direct costs (Material, Manpower etc.) while a top-down approach will need to be implemented for indirect cost items (Advertisement, approvals, freight and taxes etc.).

  • Parametric approach is the best
    My own opinion

  • The pragmatic approach would be bottom-up to find actual cost spending in the field

  • The pragmatic approach would be bottom-up to find actual cost spending in the field

  • Using all three approaches would be the ideal because one diminish the cons of the other and vice- versa.

  • The bottom top approach is our best choice because you build the capacity of the downer units and get real facts of what you need for your organisation.

  • The bottom top approach is our best choice because you build the capacity of the downer units and get real facts of what you need for your organisation. The

  • The bottom top approach is our best choice because you build the capacity of the downer units and get real facts of what you need for your organisation.

  • The bottom top approach is our best choice because you build the capacity of the downer units and get real facts of what you need for your organisation. The

  • I believe you should use a parametric approach whenever possible because you are getting opinions from all angels

  • I think all of the three cost estimation approaches should be used complementally to come up with an accurate cost estimation.

  • I also agree with the fact that parametric is the best approach as it considers the accurate costs per unit

  • it is better to use each approach because project management vary by each project.

  • I believe that estimating costs is a sure way to guarantee project success. being able to estimate the direct costs and indirect costs gives the project managers a rough estimate f how much funds is needed for the entire project.

  • Parametric is the best was to estimate costs because there are measurement units to provide good starting point for the estimates by relying on accuracy using historical data.

  • In my opinion, its better to use Button up approach as it will provide current costs and those implementers (so longer they are faithfully) can fill ownership of the project as they have been involved in cost estimating

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