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  • Culture and Values

    Can anyone clarify the basic difference between culture and values in one or two sentence(s)?

    14 Replies
  • 41 Replies
  • @al-amin said in Culture and Values:

    Can anyone clarify the basic difference between culture and values in one or two sentence(s)?

    Great question @AL-AMIN, thank you for posting it!

    It is so great to see people engaging in this community.

    @all , does anyone have any thoughts for @AL-AMIN?

    1 Reply
  • Course Facilitator

    @al-amin said in Culture and Values:

    Can anyone clarify the basic difference between culture and values in one or two sentence(s)?

    To me, values are like set of principles to guide relationships and the way we live while culture is living out these values....

    1 Reply
  • @culatea said in Culture and Values:

    @al-amin said in Culture and Values:

    Can anyone clarify the basic difference between culture and values in one or two sentence(s)?

    To me, values are like set of principles to guide relationships and the way we live while culture is living out these values....

    I believe that culture is a group's a belief or a way of doing things as a community and is for the group/community's benefit..Values I belief are like commandments...or set rules to guide people into doing what is considered moral right.values can be individual or communal .

  • I believe culture is derived from values, values can safely appear as the basic tenets of a particular culture, it gives a culture its identity.

    A culture is the customary way of living of a particular people, the way they eat, dress, show respect etc, you see it from observing the people as a group; an aura of uniformity in the things they do and the way they do it with regards to their general lifestyle.

    Values on the other hand are the basic beliefs that have attained the force of moral law and which serves as the foundation on which the culture is based. A change in the value ultimately adjusts the culture to reflect a new belief or that which is forgone.

  • Course Facilitator

    @scottm said in Culture and Values:

    I'll jump in and perhaps we can get a discussion started with @all


    I consider values the set of stated beliefs in what is important and what is right for a group. Culture is how we work together as a group.

    So, here, in helping build a community, a value we hold is to make the Philanthropy University a place that feels safe to participate in. The culture we are trying to foster is of welcoming each other so our screens don't feel like a cold digital space.

    To go beyond a few sentences, values probably should not change very much and we have the control to say what we hold as values. Culture is not something we can control, it emerges as we interact with each other and it may change in response to new people joining, or outside pressures.

    Those are my thoughts. I would love to hear how others think about these two things. I am always ready to learn more about how others think about culture.!

    Please share your thoughts!

    To me, culture is the social behavior found in human societies while values is beliefs or ideals shared by the members of a culture about what is good or bad........

  • @al-amin said in Culture and Values:

    Can anyone clarify the basic difference between culture and values in one or two sentence(s)?

    To me, Culture is a set of characteristics that sets one group of people apart from another. In simple terms, it is the way we do things around here while Values are a written down set of important principles to guide behaviour

  • @al-amin said in Culture and Values:

    Can anyone clarify the basic difference between culture and values in one or two sentence(s)?

    Values are the bedrock (principles) that influence decisions and culture are a combination of different ideology, practices, and beliefs.

  • @al-amin said in Culture and Values:

    Can anyone clarify the basic difference between culture and values in one or two sentence(s)?

    Culture has to do with social behavior of a particular society sometime individuals are born into it. while values are principles or standard of behavior, this can be learnt and unlearned.

    1 Reply
  • @mawusi said in Culture and Values:

    @al-amin said in Culture and Values:

    Can anyone clarify the basic difference between culture and values in one or two sentence(s)?

    Culture has to do with social behavior of a particular society sometime individuals are born into it. while values are principles or standard of behavior, this can be learnt and unlearned.

    Culture is heritage beliefs of a group of people living in same society embeds to as their social behavior and fate.

  • @al-amin said in Culture and Values:

    Can anyone clarify the basic difference between culture and values in one or two sentence(s)?

    @al-amin said in Culture and Values:

    Can anyone clarify the basic difference between culture and values in one or two sentence(s)?

    In my view, culture is an inherited pattern of the way of life, especially the general customs and beliefs, of a particular group of people usually in a community which can be evidenced in their language, religion and social habit. On the other hand, Value is the moral principles and beliefs or accepted standards of a person or social group. Value and culture are closely related but slightly distinct from each other because culture is a natural inheritance but values are man made development and can be changed anytime.

  • Course Facilitator

    There is a deference between a culture and value.

    Culture is the social behavior and norms found in human societies, culture is considered a central concept in anthropology encompassing the range of phenomenon that are transmitted through social learning in human societies.

    Value is important and lasting beliefs or ideas shared by the members of cuulture about what is good or bad and desirable or undesirable. Value have major influence on a person's behavior and attitude and serve as board guideline in all situations.

  • Culture is the sum total of existing norms, standards, rules, principles guiding or demonstrated by a given people in a country or particular community and or society. Such as greeting elders early in the morning is common amongst most African societies. Meanwhile Values are moral code of good standards in a particular institution or society. Such as Honesty is one of the values of Foundation for Community Development Association. Ethics is more bounded in values than culture. Most at times the two are used interchangeably but it should be noted that culture is the umbrella term. At times values make up culture.

  • @al-amin said in Culture and Values:

    Can anyone clarify the basic difference between culture and values in one or two sentence(s)?

    I think while culture is a mix of norms and system of doing things in a particular society, values entails a belief system, perceptions and ideas of what is right and wrong

  • @al-amin said in Culture and Values:

    Can anyone clarify the basic difference between culture and values in one or two sentence(s)?

    vales is peoples morality and culture is peoples way of life.

  • Culture, the ideas, customs, and social behaviour of a particular people or society.
    Values, principles or standards of behaviour; one's judgement of what is important in life.

  • @mark_g said in Culture and Values:

    @al-amin said in Culture and Values:

    Can anyone clarify the basic difference between culture and values in one or two sentence(s)?

    Great question @AL-AMIN, thank you for posting it!

    It is so great to see people engaging in this community.

    @all , does anyone have any thoughts for @AL-AMIN?

    culture is the way of life of a group of people and values are rites

  • Culture is a generalized belief of a community while value is the person conviction of a belief

  • @al-amin said in Culture and Values:

    Can anyone clarify the basic difference between culture and values in one or two sentence(s)?

    Hello, @AL-AMIN I am from India. I would like to explain the difference by giving an example of my country.
    Example of culture is that we consider our guests equivalent to God.
    Value is something like we should respect our God. So in the case of a guest, we should respect guest is our value.
    Thus, culture is something deeply rooted and followed by a long period and value is something which complements the culture. Thank you.

  • Hello amin,
    I am Alkali Amana from Nigeria
    Culture reflects a way of life. It represents inherent attributes that have developed overtime and are now practices associated with a particular group.
    Values are the qualities that represents the fairness of society and any good in it.
    However, both are indispensable in my opinion because they aid in providing society with a platform for development.
    Thank you...

  • Culture is a way of life in an organisation while values are cherished principles

  • @al-amin said in Culture and Values:

    Can anyone clarify the basic difference between culture and values in one or two sentence(s)?

    Am Queen Elizabeth Ile
    Culture is an expression of values nursed, practiced and passed down to a particular generation or race over a period of time while Value is a cherished trait or characteristic.

  • @al-amin said in Culture and Values:

    Can anyone clarify the basic difference between culture and values in one or two sentence(s)?

    )culture is characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people,language while value is the principle or standard of behavior

    1 Reply
  • @abey said in Culture and Values:

    @al-amin said in Culture and Values:

    Can anyone clarify the basic difference between culture and values in one or two sentence(s)?

    )culture is characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people,language while value is the principle or standard of behavior

    Culture = mechanics of operation (standards of procedure, policy development, organisational systemics))
    Value = Environment and philosophy of culture development (Generally stakeholder driven)

  • Culture is a term that may not clearly define itself. Within the confines of culture, we may find values. However, being that culture is a way of life as practiced and promoted by a set of people, values are a set of principles that guide this "way" of life.

  • Hi ,

    Culture in terms of organizational is developed from a set of established rules or acceptable behaviours in an institution. However, social and political culture is usually based on traditions or historical acceptable norms , which become legitimate and institutionalized in a country over a period of time. In addition, social culture guides the values and norms of the subjects in that environment eg. integrity, loyalty, commitment, honesty. And so, culture in my view may determine values and norms....

  • THIS is also a traditional gft in life ,on that comes from our parents.It is a governing tool ,a guide line of our inheritance
    With it we lost in this in direction we need to walk in

  • @al-amin said in Culture and Values:

    Can anyone clarify the basic difference between culture and values in one or two sentence(s)?

    Culture general defines the basic ideology and overall lifestyle of a group of people, while values are more specific personal guiding principles which define what is acceptable or not by an individual, or what categorizes them as successful or not.

  • Values are principles that an individual or an organization lives by while culture are behaviors and ways that are common among a group of people.

  • I being a student of sociology would love to help clear the topic-According to M. Haralambos (2000), “a value is a belief that something is good and desirable”. For R.K. Mukerjee (1949) (a pioneer Indian sociologist who initiated the study of social values), “values are socially approved desires and goals that are internalized through the process of conditioning, learning or socialization and that become subjective preferences, standards, and aspirations”. A value is a shared idea about how something is ranked in terms of desirability, worth or goodness.
    Familiar examples of values are wealth, loyalty, independence, equality, justice, fraternity and friend¬liness. These are generalized ends consciously pursued by or held up to individuals as being worthwhile in themselves. It is not easy to clarify the fundamental values of a given society because of their sheer breadth.
    Modem sociologist E. Shils (1972) also makes the same point and calls ‘the central value system’ (the main values of society) are seen as essential in creating conformity and order. Indian sociologist R.K. Mukerjee (1949) writes: “By their nature, all human relations and behaviour are embedded in values.”

    Horton and Hunt definition of culture, “Culture is everything which is socially shared and learned by the members of a society.”
    Tylor defined “It is that complex whole including beliefs, art, region, values, norms, ideas, law, taught, knowledge, custom, and other capabilities acquired by a man as a member of a society.”
    It is the totality of human experience acquired during transmission of heritage from one generation to another and to learn the ways of learning, eating, drinking, behaving, walking, dressing, and working is the culture of man.
    Culture consists of the beliefs, behaviors, objects, and other characteristics common to the members of a particular group or society. Through culture, people and groups define themselves, conform to society's shared values, and contribute to society.
    Individuals growing up in a culture learn acceptable ways to behave and function in their culture. They learn how to use the natural resources found in their environment and how to adapt to the topographic and climatic features of their geographic region. They learn about the economic activities carried on by members of their culture. They acquire knowledge, skills, and techniques that will allow them to participate in these activities. They also learn about the social groups that have been formed within their culture and how to participate in these groups. They discover what is valued and believed by members of their culture and that these values and beliefs influence how people behave.
    Hope it helps.

  • @al-amin said in Culture and Values:

    Can anyone clarify the basic difference between culture and values in one or two sentence(s)?

    Value is what you hold dearly and which guide your conduct while culture is the way you do things or how you do things

  • Values are principles that guide ones behaviour while culture is the way you express that behaviour.
    For example, the value may be a girl child must greet his father when she wakes up in the morning, while the culture may be she must kneel down when she's greeting the father.

  • Value to me is the things that defines our way of life with regards to strong discipline but culture is the guiding principles, norms in our society and our lives,

  • @scottm said in Culture and Values:

    I'll jump in and perhaps we can get a discussion started with @all


    I consider values the set of stated beliefs in what is important and what is right for a group. Culture is how we work together as a group.

    So, here, in helping build a community, a value we hold is to make the Philanthropy University a place that feels safe to participate in. The culture we are trying to foster is of welcoming each other so our screens don't feel like a cold digital space.

    To go beyond a few sentences, values probably should not change very much and we have the control to say what we hold as values. Culture is not something we can control, it emerges as we interact with each other and it may change in response to new people joining, or outside pressures.

    Those are my thoughts. I would love to hear how others think about these two things. I am always ready to learn more about how others think about culture.!

    Please share your thoughts!

    Very true, well described

  • Values are the moral principles which we can learn also but Culture is which we inherit from our family, society and also from our country.

    1 Reply
  • @mukti said in Culture and Values:

    Values are the moral principles which we can learn also but Culture is which we inherit from our family, society and also from our country.

    1 Reply
  • @elio said in Culture and Values:

    @mukti said in Culture and Values:

    Values are the moral principles which we can learn also but Culture is which we inherit from our family, society and also from our country.

    Culture is the way of life of a group of people express in terms of their daily behaviors, and actions in pursuit of cherished values.

    1 Reply
  • @unamba said in Culture and Values:

    @elio said in Culture and Values:

    @mukti said in Culture and Values:

    Values are the moral principles which we can learn also but Culture is which we inherit from our family, society and also from our country.

    Culture is the way of life of a group of people express in terms of their daily behaviors, and actions in pursuit of cherished values.

  • @al-amin said in Culture and Values:

    Can anyone clarify the basic difference between culture and values in one or two sentence(s)?

    Culture is a way of life if a people... It could be bad, outdated or non profiting over time.. in culture we grow to met it while value is what we learn or what is built, developed or Consciously develop to guide our personality

  • What is the similarity between culture and values?

  • @al-amin said in Culture and Values:

    Can anyone clarify the basic difference between culture and values in one or two sentence(s)?

    Culture are the norms that society has adopted while values are more individualistic.

  • Culture are social norms of a given community, mostly drawn from the way of life (tradition) where as Value is the worth.

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