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  • Issue Identification

    Who would you invite to a participatory issue identification exercise? Consider the types of individuals or organizations you would want represented. How might you find and invite these stakeholders? What challenges might you face facilitating these exercises?

    2 Replies
  • 19 Replies
  • I will invite the Board members, staffs, our graduate trainees of our vocational school, other vocational school staffs and representatives, line ministries/departments representatives and parents who have youth for our training programs. Ministry of Education and sponsorer of trainees in vocational education, innovators from private and public sector.
    I will publicize, make radio announcements, publish on our website and search for them on the website as well.
    Demand for transport refund and high cost to have the team gathered to get their views, getting an expert to deliver the information sourcing is equally very challenging.

  • Course Facilitator

    I'd invite all the stakeholders involved.

  • I will invite all the stakeholders involve in the operation, maintenance and management of the organization ( school).

  • I will consider inviting community leaders and they will involve men, women and youth leaders. I will invite the members of any farmers association that is operational within the community as well as rural farmers. I will go to the communities in question, ask to meet the community leaders and present the program ideals to them. The challenges I will have is to convince the members of the community to come out and be in attendance to the occasion.

  • Course Facilitator

    Relevant stakeholders will be invited.

    Once the stake holders are identified, personal contact, invitation letters and public announcement will be used to invite them.

    Logistics like cost, mobilisation, venue are some challenges we might face facilitating these exercises.

  • Course Facilitator

    Relevant stakeholders will be invited.

    Once the stake holders are identified, personal contact, invitation letters and public announcement will be used to invite them.

    Logistics like cost, mobilisation, venue are some challenges we might face facilitating these excercises.

    1 Reply
  • I will invite both the stakeholders in the community and partnering organizations

  • Through Social Media Platforms and Zoom Virtual Meeting for video conferences.

  • Community Leaders, Social Workers, Government Officers

  • I will invite all community stakeholders involved if possible give them the project to run it while my team will support them where necessary or where the gap is.

  • I will invite the stakeholders, government officials, agencies and community.

  • on issue identification the following will be considered to participate:-

    1. opinion leaders, this are the community members who are very well known and when they speak they change or encourage community members on matter developments
    2. elected leaders, by being community rep. they have stake in supporting the initiative by giving political good will
    3. community own resource persons, this are the youth,women,pwds that are well vast on promoting community development and are able to engage
    4. local administrations, this mobilizers and local peace maker and security personnel.
    5. youth group,women group, CBOs, local NGOs and FBOs, this are groups that are having programme in the community of operation.
      6.local government structures offices within the community
    6. retired or senior citizen in the community, these people have different expertise that can help the society
    7. cooperate institution working in the community of interest
    8. private company/ business owners in the community of interest.
  • I will invite all groups included stakeholders in specific subjects and other community in the bigger scale

  • I will invite the traditional rulers of the area, the elite and the religious leaders. I will equally invite other NGOs who have worked in the area
    2 I will try to get a focal person that can get to my identity stakeholders and do a contact visit or a community mobilization meeting
    3 the challenge will be identifying the stakeholders interest

  • I would invite community health workers and volunteers, local administration like area chiefs, social workers, village elders or representatives, religious leaders, community based organizations and civic education organizations. I would use local area chiefs, social workers and community health volunteers to identify and invite stakeholders

    Some challenges in facilitating this include getting the wrong people invited, expectation of facilitation or monetary incentive to attend the meeting.

  • I would invite board members, scholars, expertise and students. The challenges that would faced are identifying the central issues as there might several problems for the project.

  • I would invite board members, collaborators, community leaders, members of the community, extractive mining companies representatives. members of the organization and the collaborators are easy to find, they belong to the organization. Community leaders are easily identifiable in the communities, those can be used to identify relevant members of the community. Extractive industry companies operating in the area are also easily identifiable. I could just send letter to those companies. the challenges may be that each target group may have its own priority problem.

  • Frankly speaking, I will invite the Board members, staffs, our graduate trainees of our vocational school, other vocational school staffs and representatives, line ministries/departments representatives and parents who have youth for our training programs. Ministry of Education and sports of trainees in vocational education, innovators from private and public sector.
    I will publicize, make radio announcements, publish on our website and search for them on the website as well. Plea for transport reimbursement and high cost to have the team gathered to get their views, getting an expert to deliver the information sourcing is equally very challenging.
    In Summary

    1. opinion leaders, this are the community members who are very well known and when they speak they change or encourage community members on matter developments
    2. elected leaders, by being community rep. they have stake in supporting the initiative by giving political good will
    3. community own resource persons, this are the youth,women,pwds that are well vast on promoting community development and are able to engage
    4. local administrations, this mobilizers and local peace maker and security personnel.
    5. youth group, women group, CBOs, local NGOs and FBOs, this are groups that are having programme in the community of operation.
      6.local government structures offices within the community
    6. retired or senior citizen in the community, these people have different expertise that can help the society
    7. cooperate institution working in the community of interest
    8. private company/ business owners in the community of interest
  • I would invite the members of the district platform, the community leaders, and other members of the community. I would also consider inviting the leaders of youth organization as well as leaders of women organizations. Different groups may have diferent interests.

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